Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Your Choice - "Life or Death"

“Give and it will be given to you.  They will pour into your lap a good measure – pressed down, shaken together, and running over. FOR BY YOUR STANDARD OF MEASURE IT WILL BE MEASURED TO YOU IN RETURN” (my emphasis) (Luke 6:38).

Hey Gang:  For those of you who have been with Gramps, for any period of time, know by bride and I are lovers of Israel and look forward to one-day taking up residence in the New Jerusalem for all eternity.  And, we invite you, one and all, to join us. Jesus already paid the price for entry!

One of our very favorite places is by the Kinneret, better known as the Sea of Galilee.  On one trip our room in the King David Hotel overlooked the area where the fishermen dock and prepare their boats and nets for the day’s catch.  It was my extreme privilege to be awakened very early in the morning, just as the sun was beginning to appear from behind the mountains, and the fisherman were diligently preparing to leave. 

What an awesome picture! One that I had seen many times on the walls of churches.  It was an experience etched in my mind forever. 

In our morning devotionals we are doing a repeat through Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s, The Book of Mysteries.  If you have not made connections with the Rabbi, I suggest you do, immediately.  His books, The Harbinger, The Mystery of Shemitah, The Paradigm, along with The Book of Mysteries are books filled with vast resources of hidden pearls that we so often just read over. 

In this morning devotional, which he titled Two Waters”, he used the fresh water attributes of the Kinneret Sea and compared it to the Dead Sea- the dead waters.  The Sea of Galilee receives its water from the Head Waters of the Jordan River- as does the Dead Sea; but one, the Kinneret, is filled with life and the Dead Sea has no life. Essentially, they contain the same waters. 

In one short sentence Jonathan gives us not only the reason why, but includes a lesson for the difference between life and death in our Christian walk.  In Proverbs 11 Solomon gives us a clear picture of what Jonathan is teaching us here: “There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more.  And there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want” (vs. 24). 

Essentially, the difference between -life that is found in the Sea of Galilee and the death - found in the Dead Sea is that one allows the water to pass through and does not hoard it, the other has no such outlet.  Once the fresh water hits the Dead Sea it is held captive and dies.

The Scripture of the morning contains the foundation pillars of all that we have accomplished at the Village.   I especially capitalized the last phrase, in this most important verse, because I want you to stop and ponder just what Luke is telling us: It is by “YOUR STANDARD OF MEASURE IT WILL BE MEASURED TO YOU IN RETURN” (Luke 6:38).  Is he saying we have control of the harvest?  Before you answer, turn with me to II Corinthians 9 and read verses 6 through 11.

One last place I want you to go, before I close this epistle.  That portion of Scripture found in Matthew 25:31-42.  It is subtitled “The Judgment” in my NASB Bible.  Notice Jesus’ criteria for entrance into His kingdom and the final verdict, after He evaluates whether you were a Sea of Galilee or a Dead Sea-type person: “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”(vs. 40).

Yes, I do believe that we have control of the harvest.  That it will be determined by OUR STANDARD OF MEASURE”.   The wonderful part of this story is, if we are a Dead Sea-type people, we do not have to dig out the pick and shovel, but rather just surrender to the One who controls the waters and commit to Jesus’ final command on earth: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Mat. 28:19a).  Even your next door neighbor!!  



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