Thursday, November 26, 2020

When Did Thanksgiving Really Begin?


“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)

 Dear readers, Time for a History lesson!  We think of Thanksgiving as an American tradition, and so it is.

There have been many changes in time and traditions since 1621 when the Pilgrims and Native Americans shared a feast together after the harvest was in.  Thankful for blessings of food, shelter and God’s bounty and protection after the harsh and deadly winter. Thanksgiving this year of 2020 will be one of controversy and different celebrations. Covid-19 will separate some by death, others hesitating to travel and some just fearful and isolated.

 In  1623 The Pilgrims celebrated with fasting and thanksgiving again, after years of drought. Some in that area continued with celebrations, but it was not declared a Nation day of Celebration until George Washington gave a proclamation declaring November 26, 1789 a National day of Thanksgiving, following the end of the Revolutionary War.  Some states and cities continued to do so yearly.

 Early 1800’s Sarah Josepha, a writer, began advocating for a National Holiday.  During the height of the Civil war, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln heeded her request with a proclamation asking all Americans to set aside the final Thursday of November to pray for the widows, orphans, mourners and suffers  in this lamentable “civil strife”, and that God would heal the wounds of this nation. (Very fitting for today as well.) Soo the yearly celebration continued until 1939.

 In 1939, Franklin D. Roosevelt moved it to the 4th Thursday, in an attempt to give people extra shopping time during the depression.  This was met with much opposition and he later  signed a bill making Thanksgiving the 4th Thursday of November. 

HOWEVER, God’s Thanksgiving Day - The Feast of Tabernacles is found in Numbers 29:12-40.  God set the day according to the Biblical Calendar which is a 30-day month.  People of Israel would gather in Jerusalem (now that’s a crowd in one small place!!) bringing the first fruits of their harvest and give thanks for His blessings.   This was and continues as a festival of joy and thanksgiving.

 Sooo, if you want JOY in your heart, make it a heart of Thanksgiving.  “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thessalonians 5:18).  Don’t let a day go by with out thanking God for His blessings. (Psalm 103:2) The Lord dwells in the presence of His people.” (Psalm 22:3). 

 Be a Joy-filled Thanks-giver!!  Make Thanksgiving into Thanks-living!!


Gma J





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