Sunday, May 21, 2023

Who Said Life Would Be Fair?


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

“To know wisdom and instruction, To discern the sayings of understanding.  To receive instruction in wise behavior, Righteousness, justice and equity”
 (Proverbs 1:2-3).

 Hey gang:  In my 82 plus years on this earth I have been a die-hard sports fan and have especially enjoyed seeing the near perfection of some of the athletes’ efforts.  But, at the same time, there is nothing that irritates me more than for an ump or ref to blow a call that takes away from that perfection.

 Example: In the past 135 years of major league baseball only 20 pitchers have thrown a perfect game.    On June 2, 2010, Armando Galarraga of the Detroit Tigers would have been number 21, but a blown call on the part of the umpire took the perfect game away from him in the final out of the game.  The replay clearly showed the runner was out not by one step but two steps, but rules are rules,and the call could not be changed.  That, too, is pretty stupid.

 Galarraga remained calm, expressed sympathy for the ump, and never bad mouthed him for his error.  His refusal to retaliate and rant and rave astounded fans, players and sports writers.

 I wonder how I would have reacted if I had pitched that perfect game, that day, and had it taken away from me.   I certainly admire Galarraga for not taking the ump to task, but I suspect there was something more important at work in this travesty of justice.  I don’t know if he is a Christian.  If not, we Christians need to take heed of his testimony through this affair, for he demonstrated Christian wisdom by being more concerned for the welfare of the errant ump than having his name in the record book as number 21! 

 Oswald Chambers said about our personal dealings with others, “Never look for justice, but never cease to give it; and never allow anything you meet with to sour your relationship to men through Jesus Christ”.

 Soooo, keep in mind, when we experience unfairness it is our responsibility- and I might add “privilege”, as followers of Christ, to respond with honesty and integrity, doing what is right, just and fair.   Jesus put it this way, “When slapped in cheek, turn the other one” (Luke 6:29). But, my friends, that is not the world’s way!



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