“Come your who are
blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
of the world” (Matt. 25:34). Do you
want to know what those blessings are?
Read Revelation chapters 20 – the end of the Book.
Hey Gang: There are
two schools of thought pertaining to the question of the saints around the
throne. The first is that the saints,
who have remained faithful in this day of gross evilness, are waiting with growing
anticipation for The Father’s order to His Son – “Go and collect Your Bride, the
marriage Feast of the Lamb is ready!” And
who are these children/Bride? Those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book
of Life.
But there is a growing second school of thought that none of
this prophecy stuff is real, just a figment of someone’s imagination. I am always amazed when I hear someone say that
they want no part of the study of prophecy.
Their reasons? They do not have a
clue what the Bible says because they have never been within the covers of the
Bible deep enough to find out if it really is true and is the Word of God.
There are also the growing numbers who say, hey, we have
heard the Second Coming stuff all our lives and we are still here! My response to those very confused folks? “What if it is true?” Have you checked out what the Bible says
about eternity? Have you given much
thought to how very long eternity is? The Bible, which you do not believe says, “And if anyone’s name was not found in the
lamb’s book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Rev. 20;15).
In my years, as Chaplain at the Village, I often closed my
messages by asking the boys, “What is the most important word in the English
language?” I would get a smorgasbord of
answers, most in the love category. When
all was exhausted I answered the question- “the word is ‘NOT’. Mathew tells us, “Jesus will declare, “I know you NOT;
depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matt; 7:23).
When I get a little weary and ask the Lord if is time to put
Gramps to bed, He reminds me “just a little longer.”
I think of a book I read, decades ago, and have used a
thousand or more times called Holes in Time. It is a story of a hardened
criminal serving a near-life sentence for his crimes and his shock to received
a visit from Abba Father.
The message was short and very much to the point, “Frank,
when I created you I had a plan for you.
But you have squandered it. Your
failure to fulfill that plan has left those who were to receive My open
invitation through you to come and eat at My table are lost. You have left “Holes in Time” that will be
passed down through the generations.
Frank heeded that
call and gave his life to Jesus that very night. He became a Chaplain’s helper
and several years later, the authorities felt no need to keep him in
prison. But he walked right back in, not
as a prisoner of the State of Georgia, but a prisoner of Christ as a Chaplain in
the Georgia prison system.
My Friends, I challenge
you to do some research this week and find all the references pertaining to
Hell, Hades, and the Lake of Fire. Years ago, I heard the way they train agents
to recognize counterfeit money is not by reviewing counterfeit pieces, but
rather totally memorizing the real thing!
When I read of what is waiting for those who will hear the word
‘NOT’, it fires me up to do all in my power to snatch as many souls out of
Satan’s hands as I can.
Hey, come along. There
is no greater joy in all the world than to snatch a soul from the clutches of
the evil one.