Tuesday, March 3, 2015
"But it shall come about, if you do not
obey the Lord your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes,
with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and
overtake you" (Deuteronomy.
Hey Gang: Is that not an awesome
warning? And what curses is Moses referring to? Natural disasters,
political confusion and corruption, crop failures, economic calamities,
rebellious youth, rampant disease, even epidemics of divorce, defeat in war,
among many other things, including giving the nation the kind of leaders it
deserves. Does that not fit the American society of today? (and 2024-5?)
But what if they do not heed His
words? Moses goes on and tells us that, if the nation refuses to repent,
God will deliver it to destruction, as He did many times throughout the
Old Testament. O, but you say that was under the law and today we are
under grace, right? Not quite so. Jesus said to the disciples in
Matthew 24, “…not one stone will be left on top of another in this
fabulous building” (the Temple). A prophetic word that was fulfilled
in 70 A.D.
I recently received an epistle from
Dr. David R. Reagan, a well-known pastor/teacher whom I feel is blessed by God and
one of His last day prophets. Keep in mind - prophets are judged by is
whether or not their prophecies come true. The title of his epistle is-
Is America Facing A Spiritual Crisis?
In it he list sseven points you might
want to research. The first, God establishes nations and defines their
boundaries. Paul in his sermon at Athens said, "God made from one
man every nation of mankind, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries
of their habitation"
Point two: God determines when a
nation will cease to exist. A nation can be the most powerful in the
world like Babylon or Russia and God can pull the plug on that nation.
As I look at recorded history, I notice that when a powerful civilization
begins to wane, there is another that rises to move into the void. BUT,
today, I see no nation rising to replace the power of the United States.
We might want to say that Israel is that nation but, due to its size, that
would not fly with most gurus, however, they do have a mighty army and they
have something no other nations has- the promise from the throne room of heaven
that "I will never leave you or forsake you".
The third point God has a
purpose for each nation, both general and specific. I tend to believe
that God's daily planner is filled to the hilt and, therefore, he does not
waste one iota of time. I tend to agree with Dr. Reagan that
God's purpose for all nations is to provide an atmosphere of freedom, security
and tranquility. I also believe He brings nations into being with a
specific mission. For Israel it is to be a witness of God. It is
Dr. Reagan's opinion that the purpose of the United Sates was to evangelize the
world for Jesus. But perhaps our great purpose was to assist in the
reestablishment of Israel.
His fourth point: God blesses and
disciplines nations in accordance with their obedience to Him and their
treatment of the Jewish people. God told Abraham "I will
make you a great nation, I will bless you, I will bless those who bless you,
and I will curse those who curse you" (Genesis 2:4-6) My dear
sainted Grandma said, “The day Germany began their program of annihilation of
God's chosen people, the Nation’s days were numbered.” History is
littered with the cadavers of nations that have persecuted the Jews. I am
a firm believer that ISIS, and those killing machines that have placed bull’s
eyes on the back of every Jew and Christian, will be soon find out there is no
paradise for those terrorists who are martyred.
Soooo, I will close this for today and
finish Dr. Reagan's seven points the next time. I pray you are heeding
the Lord's word to Habakkuk when God said: "Look around and see what I
am doing".