Sunday, January 15, 2023

I Just Do Not Understand!


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

“In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried to my God: and He did hear my voice out of the His temple, and my cry did enter into His ears” (2 Samuel 22:7).

 Hey Gang:  I have been walking this earth for more than eight decades and never before has my heart hurt as does this day- not for myself or the bride-of-my youth, for I believe we are in that life’s period that Paul referred to as “the last lap of the race.” My concern is for the world I leave for my children, my grand-children and my great-grand-children!

 In the past several years I have been spending more time asking the Lord, “Why Lord?” “Why would a nation- that has been abundantly blessed by You- suddenly choose to say, “We have listened to You these many years and have been so very blessed, but now we want to try it your adversary’s way”.  

 Why would a person who was blessed by You with the intellectual power to evaluate, with common sense and the ability to see the results of the choices they are making, decide that their own ways are better than Your ways?  (Read Isaiah 55:8-9)

 As I was seeking the Lord’s guidance on what I would write to you this morning, the Paris catastrophe is still heavy on my heart.  When I first heard that a major terrorist attack was under way, I wondered if there were those who were praying.  There were sixty-thousand people in the stadium watching a soccer game when the explosions were first heard.  Prayer has nearly become obsolete in France, most of the churches, except the Muslim Mosques, have closed and sold for more up-to-date things.

 I suspect there were people praying.  I suspect the seeds that were planted in their hearts, at some time in their lives, suddenly came to life.   In our lifetime of ministry, we have often received calls from people who have rejected God all their lives asking that we pray for them.  I have often wondered if that does any good but have honored those requests. 

 There is an old saying that there are no atheists in fox-holes.  I certainly believe that is true.  I served in Korea, not during the killing phase, but worked side by side with warriors who had seen buddies fall and it was always very special to listen to their stories.  In the dozens who were free to share their story with me, I found some very tough hombres, but I found no atheist.      

 I have been spending time in Isaiah once again.  I love the last 26 chapters of Isaiah, especially Chapter 53. ‘The ‘Suffering Servant Chapter’ is one with many colored markings, in my Bible.  This morning, as has happened many times before, one of the verses was in very bold print.  Did you ever have that happen to you?  I believe it was bold this morning so I would be sure to include it in Gramps Morning Thought for today.

 As I read Isaiah’s words, once again, the message that seemed to stick out was, “He could have called ten thousand angels down and snuffed the bad dudes who were planning on ending His life, but He choose to die for me and you. (My Hillbilly Rendition).  We see a panoramic view of what He went through; I wondered, if I had a gun in my hand and someone threatened to do what they did to him, would I turn the other cheek?

 I thought of the young people in school that faced the misguided young man who asked, “Are you a Christian.”  After the first one answered, “Yes,” and was shot dead, do you think Satan was saying “Hey, you surely will not die” “Just say no, it really doesn’t matter.  No one will blame you.”   The ones who answered, “No, I am not, he shot in the leg”.  I wonder if every time they shower and feel the scar from that decision.  Will prick their conscience?  

 Do you think there were times when Peter agonized over his denial of the Lord?    I wish I could say that never happened to me, but such is not the case. How thankful I am that our Lord is a loving, compassion, merciful Lord who paid the price He did not owe for me, who could not pay what I owed. 

 It is snowing and the ground looks so clean and beautiful.  I wonder if the climate control folks enjoy God’s changes in the weather.  I pray you will have a blessed day, one that is filled with the joy of the Lord.



PS As I (Gma J) reread this, about incidents when the nation came together -  I thought about the recent incident on the NFL field when Demar Hamlin was injured. We were a praying nation- to the Eternal God – on the field, in the stands, on TV and in homes around the country.  Praise God for his recovery.   Continue to pray for our country.  The prayer of a righteous man/person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

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