Holy Land Picture of the Day
“Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful was in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.” (Psalm 139:23-24).
Hey Gang: Have you ever found yourself on the landing
between the basement and first floor of your home and you not only can’t
remember what you were about to do, but also you cannot remember if you were
going up or going down?
I read, recently, about two ministers who said they had a
problem with their mind wandering while reading God’s word and in prayer. As
I pondered this conversation, I readily agreed with what they were saying.
I, too, have problems with a wondering mind, not only when
reading the Word but also when in prayer. I have no problem with
concentration when reading sports magazines, or what is happening in the world
of prophecy; nor do I normally have problems when talking with others.
So, the question: Why, when we read the most precious Book
of all, or speak to the Giver of all good gifts, does our mind wander? I
am quick to blame such lapses on Satan and his dart machine but I sense God
would not totally agree with that. True, Satan hates to see us in the
Word and in prayer to the Father, but sometimes I believe we give him far too
much credit for our short comings.
I have come to the conclusion that until I have a hunger and
thirst for the Lord- that supersedes all other things- my mind will wonder. I believe when we are
inspired to praise God, and feel the deep need for forgiveness for our
transgressions and when we are eager to request His blessings on our life, then,
the Holy Spirit will keep our thoughts focused.
(From Gramma – and a paragraph from January Jewish Jewels, a Messianic Newsletter
we get monthly:)
“Pray with ‘Kavanah’
is the Hebrew word for focus, direction and intent. This means to pray with
zeal, to passionately desire to know God and hear from Him. This attitude
includes reverence for God and a shift of focus from self toward God. It includes concentration, lack of
distraction and having a sense of standing in the presence of God. May we give God our best efforts in prayer at
ALL times.”
Here is some food for you to ponder as your drive down the
roadways today, if you too are plagued
with a wondering mind at the wrong times: When your team pulls the upset
of the year in some sporting event are you not quick to read everything that is
written about that victory and listen to every word spoken in praise of the
victory? Why? Because you are
filled with excitement and want to relish the victory as long as you can.
Soooooo, could it be when our mind wonders when we are
reading the Word or praying it is a sign we are not excited about His Word or
talking to Him personally.
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