Holy Land Picture of the Day
Today's picture is of the marina in Tel Aviv, where many small pleasure craft are moored. It reminds us of Job 9: 25-26; "Now my days are swifter than a runner; they flee away, they see no good. They slip by like reed boats, like an eagle that swoops on its prey"
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency n everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.” (2 Cor. 9:8)
Hey Gang: I have never tried to convince anyone that I was anything but a very poor student while gaining my education in the public school years. I did well in such subjects as GYM, and music courses but in the less important subjects such as math, science, and especially English I was a tragic example of failure.
I do not tell you that to boast of how inept I was in those years when I should have been filling my head with knowledge, but rather to give you the good news that God can take even incompetent hillbilly kids that made some pretty bad choices along the way and do some pretty neat things with their lives – if they wise up along the way and put their minds and heart into the hands of the creator.
Now, I do not want you to get the idea that I am blowing smoke with what I am about to say, but rather pure reality based on not what I did but rather what God did through me. Does that mean that I had nothing to do with the things I was able to accomplish? In no way. God can only do through us what we allow Him too do.
As I think back on the turning point in my life I sincerely believe it occurred on the day that I realized without God being in control I was going to continue on the path to never-never land. True, I had to make decisions based on the doors that God opened for me. I did not have to join the Air Force and gain entry into the Air Traffic Control Field. I could have accepted Uncle Sugar’s invitation to become a member of the Army. Was it by accident that my brother, a Major in the Air Force made it a point to call me in the wee hours of the morning and gave me the pros and cons of Air Force over Army. I don’t think so.
Was it by accident that my neighbor asked if he could buy our house when we were debating whether we should return to Michigan and develop the Village. I don’t think so. Was it by accident that a group of professional men saw something in this young kid that made them place their names on the line to build a home for children? I don’t think so.
I have learned throughout my life on this earth that what I put in my tank daily is going to determine what the finished product is going to look like at the end of the day. God said “I Will” and I Shall” throughout His word. It is up to us to finish those statements and have the faith to accept God’s plan for your life for that day.
Soooo, good buddies, take it from an old salt, that when Paul wrote, “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory” (Phil. 4:19) that is precisely what He meant. But guess who has the key to the door?