Holy Land Picture of the Day
Today's picture is of the dawn breaking in Jerusalem. It reminds us of Psalm 119: 146-147; "I cried to You;
save me and I shall keep Your testimonies. I rise before dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words"
“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who
goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deut 31:6)
Hey Gang: I am sure you already know that one of Satan’s favorite and more effective tools is discouragement. Just when you enjoy a spiritual victory Satan places a bull's eye on your back and the darts began to fly. Remember he is the king Tuck of liars and uses our memory banks to dig up every mistake we ever made----if we let him.
But we are not alone, David was brought so low by a demonic spirit that he was dumb-founded in God’s presence, He cried out, “I, like a deaf man, do not hear, and in whose mouth are no arguments. For I hope in You, O Lord, You will answer, O Lord my God” (Ps. 38:13-14). Did you ever feel that way? I surely have.
What was he saying? “Lord” I’m too discouraged to even lift my hand. I can’t pray because I’m too confused to speak. My spirit is drained and empty. I have nothing to say.”
Was this unique to David? Not in your sweet bippy! Every successful person I have come in contact with has had their times when they felt as David did’ and struggled through the same kind of crippling discouragement. David voiced the universal cry of the righteous soul that endures an attack of discouragement. Notice his confession in verse 17, "I am ready to fall,"
If you’re enduring an attack from a demonic spirit of discouragement, I suggest you do three things: First, Do not try to maneuver your way out of your trial. The battle is far beyond your human skill or power to wage. The battle is the Lord’s. Second, when the attack comes, don’t think it is unusual. God allows this kind of fiery testing with all His saints. Third, PRAY and give the Holy Spirit time to do His work. Will you feel like praying? Probably not, but do it anyway.
In such low times the Lord is very patient with us. He knows our condition and He sympathizes with us. If you don’t have the strength to speak, reach out to him in your spirit, and trust the Spirit to do his work in you. Say in your heart, “Lord, I know your Spirit abides in me. I know you have sent him to comfort me, strengthen me and reveal the mind of Christ to me. Holy Spirit, I turn to you now in simple faith.
Speak to my heart your words of comfort. I have no strength left; you have to lift me up and lead me.”
Soooo buckaroos, if you dare to believe he will speak to you. He promises that if you ask, He will respond, and you’ll come out of your trial more victorious because your faith will have been tested and tried as gold.
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