"Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left" (Isa. 30:21).
Hey Gang: Every time I run across this verse it brings back a memory of my days as an Air Traffic Controller at Selfridge Air Force Base. They were doing some major repairs to our instrument runway so we did instrument approaches to the runway and broke off the approach at a minimum altitude.
One particular jet jockey was given the warning, "Break it off at 2700 feet and land on runway 27", but it did not penetrate his dome of intellect and he landed his T-bird on the closed runway. Fortunately, there was sufficient space for him to navigate the aircraft among the construction equipment. The pilot was a safety instructor who was there to lecture the young pilots on safety issues!
Is that not a common malady of many Christians? they just do not listen to God. They go to Him only to talk! Yet the Scriptures reveal that any one, who was ever used of God, learned to remain in His presence until hearing from Him.
The Scripture of the day makes it clear that the Lord wants to talk to every one of us. Pastor David Wilkerson related the following story: A little girl suffering from leukemia was struggling with the thought of dying. One morning when her mother came into her room, the girl was all aglow and happy. "What has happened to you?" her mother asked.
The little girl answered, "An angel came to me and said I was going on a trip. God came and took my hand and walked with me through a beautiful garden. He told me, 'You're coming here tomorrow to be with Me.'" God spoke to that little child and took all the pain and fear from her heart. When she left to be with Him the next day, she had total peace.
How about you? When you are intimate with Jesus, do you receive direction from Him? Does He tell you what to do and when and how to do it? Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).
Soooo, take heed of Brother Wilkerson's challenge to each of us, "In times of trial, get alone with Jesus and cry, "Lord, You're the only One who can help me. Only You know the way through this trial, so I'm going to stay here till You tell me what to do." That is the kind of praying that is pleasing to God".
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