Monday, December 10, 2012

JOY To the World

SCRIPTURE:  " Fear Not! For behold I bring you tidings of GREAT JOY which shall be to ALL people! For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11
As I read my writing of years ago, I decided to include, in this week of caring for others, Bells of joy, peace and love.   As think about sharing the JOY of JESUS with others, my mind immediately sees and hears bells – from the tiniest bell in my collection to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.  I would challenge you to listen for bells this Advent season.  You will hear them in the music and words of Christmas Carols, Christmas stories and  Churches – from the old bells we pulled with ropes  to the newer Carillions, sleigh bells (maybe in movies), silver bells, Salvation Army Bells, …..  What do you do when you hear them?  Smile??  Feel more joyful?  Be moved to give? They usually represent happiness.

Maybe there were even bells in heaven the night Jesus was born.   What excitement there must have been!   I imagine the whole realm of heaven was just bursting at the seams. If angels ever argued, surely it was that night; not all of them were chosen to go to the shepherds to sing of God's glory and JOY to mankind, but all of them wanted to do so!

We enjoy Christmas Pageants where ‘little angels’ squirm, make faces and even  wear halos a bit tilted, but the message is clear “Fear not!  I bring JOY…The long awaited Messiah has come.  Joy to the world! Do you hear bells as you sing this favorite by Isaac Watts based on Psalm 98?

      Joy to the world, the Lord is come!
                                         Let earth receive her King.
                                    Let every heart prepare Him room,
                                         And heaven and nature sing.    

I could fill each of these writings with carols, songs and Scriptures of joy – but I will only share a couple and let you think of those which are special to you. Christmas Carols have a special brightness of joy, hope and eternal love.  For days the chorus of the song Joybells has been ringing in my head .  Family has taught me to check the web for Scriptures and lyrics when I can remember only part of the words.  I looked for this one and decided the whole poem was  really appropriate for our focus of sharing the Joy of Jesus so I will include it.  It was written by J. Edward Ruark

You may have the joy-bells ringing in your heart
And a peace that from you never will depart;
Walk the straight and narrow way, Live for Jesus every day,
He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.
    • Refrain:
      Joy-bells ringing in your heart, Joy-bells ringing in your heart;
      Take the Savior here below With you everywhere you go;
      He will keep the joy-bells ringing in your heart.
Love of Jesus in its fullness you may know;
And this love to those around you sweetly show;
Words of kindness always say;
Deeds of mercy do each day.
    (emphasis mine)

The Old Testament is filled with joy, (check it out, especially the Psalms). Jesus spoke often about ‘Joy’; His joy of suffering for us is indescribable, but he also challenged us to share with others – kindness, cup of water, a word of encouragement; “In as much as you have done unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” Matt 25:40. Check your heart.  Is there room for Jesus?

Christmas Joy is shared and remembered in stories:  The Grinch learned that Christmas was more than things, and Mean old Scrooge became the best of men when learning that ‘Joy’ is a life style.  (Jesus is implied here, Dickens was a Christian man who shared his faith.  One of my favorite books is the Gospel he simplified and wrote in story form for his own children called the Life of Our Lord.)

SOOO, this week as you think about caring for others, make an honest effort to share a smile. See how many smile back.  As Christians we have the most reason to be joyful.  Remember to tell your face! Let others see the JOY of Jesus in you ALL year long.  May your heart and spirit be touched with transforming power of the JOY of  JESUS.

Do you remember singing  “I Have the Joy, Joy, Joy, joy Down in My Heart”? Is it still there?
 Here’s another of my favorites – Come on Ring Those Bells       by Andrew Culverwell

Everybody likes to take a holiday, Everybody likes to take a rest,
Spending time together with the family Sharing lots of love and happiness.

Come on, ring those bells, Light the Christmas tree, Jesus is the king Born for you and me.
Come on, ring those bells, Every-body say, Jesus, we remember This your birthday.

Celebrations come because of something good. Celebrations we love to recall
Mary had a baby boy in Bethlehem The greatest celebration of all.

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