Friday, September 13, 2013

Hidden Treasures and Pearls!

"The kingdom of heaven is like a hidden treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again, and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.   Again, the kingdom of heaven  is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it" (Matt. 13:44-46).

Hey Gang:  have you ever found a hidden treasure or costly pearl?  Perhaps, if you haven't,  "You do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2) Or perhaps you "ask with the wrong motives.  Several years ago I happened to tune into a program where  people bring antique objects to a professional evaluator to check and see the objects authenticity and value.  

In most cases the objects were found to be authentic but not of much value. However, on this particular day, an elderly lady brought a vase that had been passed down through the generations of her family.  The longer the evaluator looked at the vase the more excited he became;  he had in his hands a" pearl of great price", a vase from a Chinese dynasty that was worth over a hundred thousand dollars.   

As he declared this to the many people who were present at the exhibit, you could hear the ‘Oh's’ and ‘Awes’ from the crowd.   Wow! How they envied this lady who had a "pearl of great price" in her home for all of these years and did not have a clue that it was a "pearl of great price".

As I watched the program it surfaced a question in my mind:  How many people in our nation, who are going through great pains and agony, that do not realize that most have in their homes  a "pearl of great price" that has been collecting dust on a closet shelf. It contains the wondrous promises of God.  

Years ago my bride and I were commissioned to teach a very special class of parents.  Each had been assigned to the class by a court or school system.  The common denominator - they had a teen ager who was causing havoc in the community or school.   In my opining comments to this unique group of parents, I asked them, "What would you have us teach in these sessions that would help you the most?"

One man, who sat in the back corner with sneer on his face and arms folded in defiance, asked "what are our options?”  I said we can teach you Biblical principles that contain the perfect plan that God provided for raising our children.”  He said, “I don't believe that stuff.”  When asked what stuff he did not believe, he could not give me one example.

He then asked, “What is the second option?” I said, "We will teach you Biblical principles without telling you they are Biblical principles.”  And what is my third option? We send you down the road for we have found nothing else that works.   

On the fourth or fifth session we noted a tremendous difference in him.  His face was no longer hardened and his arms no longer crossed in rebellion.  As a matter of fact he was smiling and itching to share what had happened in his house after last Saturday’s session. 

On that particular Saturday morning the subject was based on the importance of consistency in setting boundaries.  He announced to the family that from that moment on we are going to do things differently, we will respect each other. He was so happy because there was a difference in family attitude.

Soooo, have you been diligent in spending time with your "Pearl of Great Price?"   Jesus, in His sermon on the mount said, "Every one who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them is like the man who built his house on the sand and when the shaking came, the house fell. (Hainley rendition of Matt. 7:24-25).   But He did not leave it there, He went on to say He who builds his house on the Word of God is like building his house on the rock. It may be shaken but it will not fall!



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