Sunday, April 12, 2015

News Flash! Choices

On January 19 the following message came across our gmail: "The nations of the world are turning against Israel.  But that's in accordance with ancient biblical prophecy, according to documentary filmmaker and New Your Times best-selling author Joel Richardson.”    I believe Joel was referring to Zechariah 12:3 ". It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured.  And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it."

Hey Gang:  We have made a decision!  We are going to set up a second blog titled "What's Happening- Man?"( will give, those who choose, the option of being informed about what is happening prophetically in our nation and the world.  We have learned that there are more than a few folks who receive “Gramps Morning Thoughts” who do not want to know what is happening.  Silence seems bliss.  We will continue Gramps Morning Thoughts on Tuesday and Fridays.

NOTE: We will publish the new blog two times per week, Monday's and Thursday.  The way things are popping in our world today there may be times when we need to send an additional blog. 

Our prayer:  That you will seek the Holy Spirit's guidance as you avail yourself of these blogs and take me to task, if you find something that does not jive with the Bible.  God warns that we take no one’s word without confirming it with two or three witnesses.  Jesus said, “Be Not Deceived!’ One of the first signs of the end times is that there will be great deception, and even many of the very saints of God will be lead down the prim-rose path.

I would appreciate any feedback that you would like to make.




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