Friday, February 5, 2016

When All These Things Happen, Look Up!

“In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among heaves so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own sites in Jerusalem” (Zech. 12:8). 

Hey Gang:  Isn’t it great when someone, that you feel is credible, agrees with something that you have said.?  Bill Salus in his book Isrealestine, a book that is well worth your time, lays out what I believe is very common sense picture of what is going to happen in Israel and the surrounding countries of Israel in the very near future.    

It would help your understanding of what is about to happen, if you read Psalm 83 in its entirety and zero in on verses one through eight.  It would also be helpful if you translate the names used by the psalmist into today’s names of the various countries

Aside!  I pray you will bear with me as we traverse through what I have identified as my ninth ‘sign of the time’. I believe it is perhaps the most visible and profound picture of the rapid coming of the final chapter of God’s prophetic plan.  There have been dozens of books written on the subject of Psalm 83 and Gog-Magog.  My intent of the mega pages is to whittle it down to an epistle of a page or two.  Perhaps it will build a hunger and thirst in your heart and soul to dig deeper than you will find in this very short overview.

Point 1, I believe God has only partly fulfilled the reestablishment of the land of milk and honey and Psalm 83 could be the second tier of fulfillment.  If Psalm 83 is a coming event, and I believe it is, then compared the boundaries of all of the nations mentioned in the prophecy beside the geographic boundaries of the Abrahamic Covenant, they are very close.  

Keep in mind there are two prerequisites that must be in place before the great bear from the North comes into the land of Israel:  “They will come against a land of unwalled villages, I will go against those who are at rest to capture spoil and seize plunder”.  (Ezek. 38:11-12).  In other words Israel must be at peace and prosperous. How to they achieve those near impossible goals? By doing a repeat of the past three wars with their neighbors - only this time they will complete the task at hand.

Having been to Israel several times and rubbing elbows with the Jewish people, we found several common denominators that are found in most people of the land: they are sick of war, they want only to live their lives, and be a blessing to the world. They are bordering on exhaustion and the anxiety takes even greater toll on the hearts, minds and bodies every day, since they are a pagan country that has, and continues to reject Jesus as their Messiah and Lord and King, they would sell their souls to the devil to gain peace.  And that folks is precisely that they are going to do.   Daniel nine tells us, “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week” (verse 27).

Now, tucked away in verse 37:10 of Ezekiel, we find another of those mor: subtle fulfillments of God’s prophetic word: “So I prophesied as He commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army”.   In Chapter 33:22 of Jeremiah we find yet another promise from God that has been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled.   “So I will multiply the descendants of David”.   As Anti-Semitism grows and persecution increases, the children of Israel are returning to the land of their heritage in ever increasing numbers and many of these olim enlist immediately, upon arrival, into the Israel Defense Force, increasing the fire power of the IDF.

Aside:  In a recent report from Olive Tree Ministries is a story of a reporter who spent time with the ISIS leaders and was released to carry the ISIS message to the world.  He reported ISIS does not fear the Europeans, the Americans, or any Army of the world except one – Israel.  Why Israel?  Because they are guerilla fighters than can root out the enemies, even when embedded in cities. 

So folks I want you to be aware of the Psalm 83 prophecy so that when it happens, and I believe it could happen tonight or tomorrow morning or any morning thereafter.  Keep in mind that the goal of the militant Muslims is a world- wide caliphate.  The ISIS terrorist organization is made up of Sunni Muslims who are bent on annihilating all who disagree with their religion totally.  They are bent on the world being under the domination of their coming Madhi 12, who will rule with an iron fist.  If that should happen Sharia Law will be the law of the world and let me tell you folks, especially the woman folk out there, that is not something you want to see happen.

I could continue to write epistles based on prophecy every day from now until Jesus comes, and I probably will continue to send them out periodically, but there does not seem to be much interest in prophecy in the blog readership, so perhaps that is God’s way of saying I need to place my time in other areas.
 We will continue on the same Monday, Wednesday, Friday format on Gramps Morning Thoughts and occasionally include something of today’s prophecy fulfillment on Fridays.   The last of this series will be posted on What’s Happening Man blog, Saturday, Feb 6.




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