Monday, August 1, 2016

Blue Skies, Nothing but Blue Skies...But!

“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!  How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!”  (Psalm 32:1-2)

Blessed is man who, when doing plus 400 knots in a F86L fighter jet, listens to the controller, who is trying to get him on the ground safely, and does as instructed.

Hey Gang: The day was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky.  In the Air Traffic Control business that is what we prayed for each and every day.  Pilots love to freelance, so on those clear sunny days the pilots did not want to go through the instrument let down procedures, and they certainly did not want to listen to my jargon.

 So when on approach and they had the runway in sight, they tended to cancel their Instrument Flight Plan and take over visually.

On this particular day maintenance was being done on our main runway so, we advised each pilot that, when he reached the outer marker on the Instrument Landing System at minimum safe altitude, he should break it off and line up on the secondary runway for landing . 

All was going perfectly smoothly when a tower controller called down and said, “Advise the aircraft on approach, “Break it off and circle!”  But it was too late, he was too low to pull up- so completed the landing in spite of the bulldozers and construction equipment.  As he touched down he realized his error and immediately cut his engine and pulled the aircraft off the runway into the grass.

Did you ever do that?  O I don’t mean do something stupid with your airplane, but did you ever know better and go about and pull the plug and do something you knew you would pay the Piper for later?  Now I know you are going to have a hard time believing it, but I certainly have.  

Due to space, thank goodness, I do not have space to confess those ‘boo boos’ to you.  I would rather tell you that, even when we do some of the stupid things of life, God stands ready to forgive us and forget.   The Bible is filled with great men of God that made ‘boo boos’ and we know that God pulled them out of the ditch and used them in mighty ways.

So my friends, I pray, if you have done something that grieves the Holy Spirit, you will confess it to the Father, and, if necessary, share with others the errors of your ways.  There is something super special when we have the courage to say to a brother or sister who is struggling with an issue and encourage them, “Been there and done that!”  Not to put down, but to give them hope!



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