Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hey, Man, Pass the Bread!

“I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst” (John 6:35).

Hey Gang:  Question? Why would folks turn their back on God when His entire Word is power-packed with truths that can make our lives living-witnesses of God’s love and grace?  In John 6 we see Jesus on a fast track. as He is preparing His disciples for the tough road ahead they would be forced to travel. 

First, there was the feeding of the 5000.  What an awesome experience that must have been. The narrative tells me it was far more than the 5000 men in need of food, for there were also women and children present.  Many have wondered how they heard Jesus that day, - no megaphones or sound system!  Then, one day in 1984, we stood at the top of that hill, on the balcony of the Mausoleum built by Mussolini which over-looks the Sea of Galilee.  While we stood there we listened and heard every word clearly of a conversation between several people who were then standing by the sea shore at the bottom..    

Matthew tells us that it was evening.  Matthew being a tax collector was probably a beaver-type person who paid attention to details. What he saw was a huge mob of people and no McDonalds, or Wendy’s and nary a single ‘Porta potty’ in sight!

Their solution to the problem is one that I probably would have suggested, ‘send them home”.  Now, there is a wonderful statement in John’s narrative of this miracle found in the John 6:6 :“This He was saying to test him, for He Himself knew what He was intending to do”.  Wow, folks,  is that not awesome?  When we hit the clinkers, when the alligators are nipping at our backsides, when the Rubber-has already hit-the-road, we have the assurance of knowing our Lord already knows what He is going to do!  Brings to my mind that neat song, Trust and Obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Problem: 5000 men, and no one knows how many women and children were there, and the inventory of food was five barley loaves and two fish!  Now, think for a minute, how many times does it tell us in the Word that Jesus said, “No Problem, do not fear!”  Jesus was always prayed up to date! He knew God’s miraculous power was waiting for His Son to ask for that power.

At the end of the day, the cleanup completed, the multitudes sent home, I would suggest the disciples were ready to build a fire, do some chatting about the Jesus feeding program, and then off to the arms of Morpheus. But Jesus had another training session in mind before the day was over.  Matthew tells us, “Immediately He made them get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side” (Matt. 14:22).

It was a trip they would not soon forget! Some were seasoned veterans of the Sea of Galilee who did not venture out at night on this un-predictable tiny, but often violent, Sea.  Note in Matthew’s account of this perilous time: “Jesus had gone up to the mountain to pray.”  Wow, is that not awesome that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father praying for you and me?

Keep in mind they were not in the Queen Mary but a vessel designed for fishing with a crew of two to four people.  Again, I repeat, some were seasoned veterans of the Sea of Galilee and I would guess they knew of fisherman brothers who were at the bottom of that Sea. 

But remember John 6:6?  “He knew what He was going to do.”…  He came walking on the water.  I wonder what they talked about around the fire that night?    John tells us that soon after these two miraculous experiences, when the hearts of the disciples had been fallowed and ready to receive, He said, I am the bread of life, He who comes to Me will never hunger, and He who believes in Me will never thirst”.   My young friends, one more time, “He knows what He is going to do, do not fear!!!”



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