Monday, July 3, 2017

Has Independence Day Become a Day Without Meaning?

Read Colossians 1:9-12.  Pay special attention to Paul’s words in verse eleven. His prayer, That as believers in Christ, ”We will be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might”.  WHY?  “For the attaining of all steadfastness and patience”, joyously”.  When you feel the alligators are winning the battles, keep in mind Jesus’ words as He prepared to return to the Father: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 8:19).  

Hey Gang:  Many people and organizations are preparing to make ‘Big Booms’ as they lite their explosive crackers.  A large percentage of those people do not have a clue what the significance of the ‘Big Booms’ stand for.  
Few, today, know on July 4, 1776, the Thirteen Colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States of America. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event.

My bride and I have been truly blessed each day, this year, as we have shared a devotional by Dr. Richard G. Lee titled In God We Still Trust. In this book he shares the emphasis that was a given to the spiritual foundations of our nation by our Founding Fathers.

In one entry, he added a quote from Richard Wurmbrand that every American should sit up and give special attention. Simply stated, it is a short version of what the rest of the world felt about the U. S of A. when he wrote it.

Richard Wurmbrand (1909 – 2001), a Romanian Evangelical Christian minister and author, spent a total of fourteen years imprisoned in Romania for his faith; he founded the Voice of Martyrs, an international organization working with and for persecuted Christians around the world.  In 1967, he shared the following -his view of America:

“Every free-loving man has two fatherlands; his own and America.  Today, America is the hope of every enslaved man, because it is the last bastion freedom in the world.  Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant communism and the people of the world.  Only America has the power and spiritual resources to stand as a barrier between militant communism and the people of the word. It is the last dike holding back the rampaging floodwaters of militant communism.  If it crumples, there is no other dike, no other dam; no other line of defense to fall back upon.  America is the last hope of millions of enslaved peoples.  They look to it as their second fatherland.  In it lies their hopes and prayers.  I have seen fellow-prisoners in communist prisons beater, tortured, with fifty pounds of chains on their legs – praying for America…that the dike will not crumple; that it will remain free”.

This week I came across a wonderful article by Pete Garcia, a writer for Post-MAGA who titled his article “Pre-Apocalypse” which I have place in my love- hate file.  He begins by saying something we are all aware of, unless the glitter of the day has you in bondage.  He wrote,It seems like the world is spinning out of control.  It seems like evil is getting the upper hand and that good people are getting trampled underfoot by the onslaught of negativism, corruption, and just sheer wickedness.  But, beloved, it only “seems” that way because God has not allowed us to see what He is currently doing behind the curtain.  He is moving and positioning the people and events to fall into place exactly as He sees fit.

God wanted President Trump to win the 2016 election.  Not because He wanted Trump to Make America Great again, but because it would accelerate the hardening of those who rejoice in evil.  That may seem over overdramatic to say, but considering that one of our two major political parties has the wholesale slaughter of the unborn as a key political platform.  If that isn’t evil, I don’t know what is.”

I love the United States of America.  I cannot sing the National Anthem or say the pledge to our flag without keeping my hanky handy.  When our enemy violated our nation on 9/11, it was as if they violate me!  You see it is MY country.  Yes, our nation is in turmoil, but I do believe God has given us one last chance to return to the Constitution -and the emphasis our founders placed on protecting our spiritual rights.

God gave us an irrevocable promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Notice:  in verse 13 He precedes His promise with one of those power words “IF”.  If My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and HEAL THEIR LAND.”

We wish you a joyous, safe Independence Day Celebration- and don’t forget to spend time in your prayer closet praying for restoration, reconciliation, and the healing of our land.



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