Monday, September 25, 2017

Settle Down PussyCats, No Meal Tonight!

“He said, ‘O man of high esteem, do not be afraid.  Peace be with you; take courage and be courageous!”  Now as soon as he spoke to me, I received strength and said, ‘May my Lord speak, for you have strengthened me.” (Dan. 10:19).

Hey Gang:  How many out there would agree with me that Daniel was one tough dude?  Now think about what was dealt to him as a teen ager.  He was captured and taken to a foreign land; his country was destroyed and people taken into bondage; he was in a strange culture and, perhaps most pressing, he was chosen to be a satrap-in-training in the kings court- which placed him under the threat of death at any time.

He certainly had to make some tough decisions.  They attempted to mold the brightest and best-looking lads into Chaldean’s.  Every attempt was made to “brain wash” them, remove their Jewishness, and take the appearance of Chaldean’s.  Their choice was to be obedient or face death.   But, when it came to his eating habits, Daniel drew the line. He would have no part of defiling himself by eating of the King’s food, which had been sacrificed to idols.  When the rubber-hit-the-road Daniel declared, “I will not defile myself”. 

Daniel had purpose in his life and he knew who he was in God’s eyes.  Do you ever feel the need to take a stand?  In this age when everything Christian is under attack, have you faced times when you need to shout “No, I will not defile myself”. 

We need to take a peek at Daniel’s life and find the keys that gave him the backbone to trust in the Lord under all circumstance!   First, he was a fervent pray-er warrior.   He knelt three times a day, facing Jerusalem before an open window, praying fervently for the restoration of his country.   In Chapter 9 we find a model prayer that each believer should have on their desk and use as a model when praying for our nation.

This he did even though a trumped-up decree was pushed through in the dark of the night- forbidding anyone to pray to, or for, anyone or thing but King Nebuchadnezzar.  Daniel knew that the sleaze-bag club would run to the King and report Daniel’s dastardly deed, if he defied the King’s law- and they knew Daniel would. 

Note: Daniel did not get all in a dither, for he knew that God had placed him there for a purpose and, if his mission was completed, so be it, but if not, then he would close the pussy cat’s mouths.  We know the rest of the story. 

Is it possible to have such trust and faith in our Savior and Lord? Not without being in constant contact with Abba Father, keeping the Armor of God in place, and filling your heart with the Word of God.  Folks, this I can guarantee you, today, you will come against something that is contrary to God’s will- and you must choose! Will you allow yourself to be defiled? Or will you stand in the face of adversity and say, “No way, I will not be defiled”? 

One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see that the world is being shaken. God’s strength is always available to us! BUT, we must avail ourselves of that strength by inputting the promises of God into our heart, soul and mind.  “God is our refuge and strength” (Psa. 46:1; Eph. 3:16-17).


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