Tuesday, October 17, 2017

What In The World Is Going On?

“For thus says the Lord of hosts, “Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land.  I will shake all the nations” (Haggai 2:6, 7a).

Hey Gang:  In a recent Joel Rosenberg blog he began by asking the question, “Is God trying to tell us something?”    In the very recent past, and present, we have experienced catastrophic hurricanes, earthquakes, many floods, terrorism, horrifying fires and the continued threats of rogue nations threatening to blow us away. 

It has been a time of unprecedented record braking storms, with nearly unbelievable horrors attached to them.  We have had gully-washers in the past, resulting in flooded conditions. but hurricane Harvey presented us with new highs that were beyond our comprehension.  It is estimated that 33 trillion, yes trillion, gallons of water were dumped on the Houston, Texas area. 

At the same time Hurricane Irma was bearing down on Florida.  We do not have a clue what the final cost will be in the devastation left behind.  It is estimated it will cost millions just to clean up the land in order to begin to replace the hundreds of homes that were lost.  Were these disasters just random quirks of nature? The climate- control buffs were quick to use them to further their drain on the coffers trying to convince the world that man has control of the thermostat and what effects the climate.  The Word tells us that God sits in the heaven and laughs at man’s foolishness.   (Psalm 2:4)

As I was preparing to write this blog, the thought came into my mind that very suddenly every person in the areas of these catastrophes is totally equal with all others.  There are no rich, or poor, corporate presidents, or janitors, no leaders who can press the buttons that make our world tick, no super brain children or those who can barely write their name.   When the winds, rains and fires have passed, every soul that is left behind is on the same ground-all with one focus – survival.  

And then the thought came to my mind: “What an opportunity to put away all the trash-bucket things that now enrage our once Christian Nation and bow our knees before God and recommit to His ways.” Our nation is coming alive, responding with one ac­­­­­­­cord to those neighbors who suddenly have needs for those basic survival things that suddenly have moved to the top of the critical needs list.

Things like, “Where is my family? Are they all right?  Where will I get enough food and water to provide for the basic needs of family, even today?  Where will I sleep tonight?”  Things people in many parts of the world deal with every day are now here- right here in our USA neighborhoods.  

Let’s return to Joel’s opening comment: “Is God trying to get our attention”.  I believe with all my heart that is precisely what is happening in our nation.   I also believe that, if our nation rebuilds its cities but does not return to the roots that made this nation great, we “ain’t seen nuttin’ yet!  (Isaiah 9:8-12).

Our President recently said the following at the 2017 Voters Convention: “George Washington said that “religion and morality are indispensable” to America’s happiness, (Pres. Trump-really?) prosperity and totally to it success. It is our faith and our values that inspires us to give with charity, to act with courage, and to sacrifice for what we know is right.? 

The American Founders invoked our Creator four times in the Declaration of Independence – four times!  How times have changed.  But you know what? I believe they are now changing back again.  Just remember that!!!

Benjamin Franklin reminded his colleagues, at the Constitutional Convention, to begin by bowing their heads in prayer.  Religious liberty is enshrined in the very first amendment - the Bill of Rights.  And we pledge allegiance to – very, very beautifully – “one nation under God”!

When 9/11 hit our Nnation I wanted to get out my under sized uniform and report for duty.  Yes, I was too old to be of much value, but I could sweep floors and do dishes which would release a younger warrior to take up arms against our enemies.   I am reminded daily that the key to turning our Nation back from its evil ways to God’s ways, is not in the hands of government but in the hands of every Believer in Christ as Lord.  2 Chronicles 7:14 is very clear.

“If”, notice the “If” My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sins and heal their land”.

Is God trying to get our attention?  HAS He gotten yours?



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