Friday, July 13, 2018

So, What’s Next?

“And you will say, “I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates” (Ezek. 37:11). 

Hey Gang:  Have you wondered what is the next big event that will happen in the Middle East?  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that, prophetically, the table is being set for something profound to happen. 

The Bible prophesied that the land promised to Abraham (Genesis 12:7) would be given back to the Jews (Isaiah 41:8-11; Jeremiah 23) and there would be a growing Aliyah (going-up or return of Jews to Promised Land) of olim (immigrants to Israel) from around the world back to the land of their heritage.  Amazingly, after­­­­ nearly 2000 years, the miracle! The Nation of Israel was reborn on May 14, 1948!

The Bible also prophesied that one day Jerusalem would be returned to the Jews. (Psalm 137:4-6). This, too, happened on June 7, 1967.  Are these not profound fulfillments of prophecies! And, since that is so, will not every prophesy in the Word be fulfilled totally as stated? 

So, what is the next great event?  Only God knows! But He certainly has given us clues about is to happen and hints of that become more clear each day.  Most writers of prophetic news would have us believe the next event is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39- that a great invasion of Israel by the forces of Gog and Magog are on the horizon.

There is no question the collaborators of that coming event are cozying up.  Nations that never had much time for each other are throwing their gauntlets down and joining forces with people they really do not like or trust.

And, I confess, I was in among those who believed the next event would be that invasion f Ezekiel 38 and 39 until I got more serious and began to dig into Gog – Magog prophesy.  After looking at a map showing those nations that are part of the Magog confederacy and comparing that map to the news of the day, I felt there was a gigantic hole in the ‘Gog Magog Next Theory.’  

My first concern with the ‘Gog Magog Next Theory’ was Ezekiel 38 and 39 that says, Israel was living securely:”… the invasion would be against a nation of unwalled cities.”   It also says the nation invaded -Israel “… was fat and happy with great wealth” and the “purpose of the invasion was to take spoil.”

Israel certainly is not a wealthy nation today and they are not living in security.  
Seondly, none of the countries that are Israel’s immediate neighbors – who today are armed and ready to annihilate and complete what Hitler started -are listed in that prophecy.  Why was Gaza, with their constant harassment of Israel not mentioned?  Where was Lebanon and Hezbollah with their 150,000 rockets all pointed at Israel?  Where was Jordan and Syria and all of their neighbors?  All conspicuous by their absence in the 
'Gog Magog Next Theory’. 

And then I came across a book titled Isralestine by Bill Salus, who believes there is an intermediate step that must happen before Ezekiel 38 and 39 will be fulfilled.

I will share next time what Bill had to say about the missing link in the ‘Gog Magog Next’ story and also a very probable solution to the missing link.  In the mean time you might want to read Ezekiel 38 and 39.  



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