Tuesday, February 12, 2019

When Does and Enemy Become a Friend?

Jesus said, "A man was walking down Fifth and Main and a hood came out of the shadows and beat the tar out of him, leaving him robbed and near dead.  As he lay in the allay an occupant of the Pent House in the elite office complex passed by and turned his eyes away as he hustled by.  Soon the local clergyman from the large cathedral on the corner also turned passed by and away and cut and run.  But at that moment the trash hauler arrived to clean out the garbage cans and saw the man and immediately dropped his garbage cans and went to his aid”.  (Turn to Luke 10:30-37 and read what Jesus really said!!)

Hey gang:   The new pastor was scheduled to arrive at the beautiful church on the top of the hill.  As the hour of coming together approached, the cars were nearing the church when they passed by a beggar sitting along the road in battered clothing with a sign, “HELP”.  As the morning service began there was an excitement in the air for his was the Sunday when the new pastor would be introduced and take over the headship of the church. 

The moment had come, the chief elder began to introduce the new pastor when the beggar who all passed by walked in and up the isle and on to the pulpit where he removed the tattered clothing, the beard.  A deathly silence filled the sanctuary.  Very few words were spoken that morning on the new Pastor’s first Sunday, but the Spirit of God filled the Temple, as people left the sanctuary with a humbleness that had not been seen there in many years.    

A high schooler was on his way home from school when a student in front of him dropped his books all over the sidewalk.  This was before the back-pack era.  Some students walked on by, but he stopped and helped the lad.  As they walked together to the boy’s home, they learned they had many things in common and became close friends.

 Later, the lad told his new friend the reason he had so much stuff that day, when he dropped it all over the sidewalk, was that he had decided- that very day he was going to end his life because he did not have a friend in the world; he had cleaned out his locker.  His life changed that day, when another lad reached out and touched him and said, “Here, let me carry some of your load”. 

It was an Old-Line Presbyterian Church, pastored by an evangelical pastor by the name of Pastor Brown.  If you know anything about old-line Presbyterian Churches, you know they can be very stiff and correct etiquette and form.  Pastor Brown had just begun his message when a young man, in dirty, cut off shorts, tie-dyed shirt, and bare foot, came in through the door of the sanctuary and began walking up the aisle, looking for a place to sit down.

 Finding none, he sat down on the floor by the first row.  A murmur filled the Sanctuary, but silence followed, as an elderly member of the congregation got up from his seat- with cane in hand- began up the aisle.  The people thought, “Now, we will have justice!”  But when the elderly man reached the young lad, he dropped his cane and with great effort sat down beside him. Pastor Brown’s comment, “Today, you will not remember what I have said this morning, but you will remember - forever - the sermon our brother preached!

Three stories, each very different but, really the same. It is called sacrificial giving. Luke wrote, “Give, and it will be given to you.  They will pour into your lap a good measure-pressed down, shaken together and running over.”  Now, notice Luke’s next words: “For by your standard of measure it will measured to you in return” (Luke 6:38).  Now, if that does not send joy through your heart, you had best get your thumper checker.

We do not have a clue what trials and tribulations those who cross our path are going through - and that really does not matter.  God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen. 2:18).  Why?  Because we were designed to be communal in nature and crave the recognition and fellowship of others.  I do not know about you, but I certainly feel the need to be “connected”.

So, friends and neighbors, never be intimidated into being anyone other than the person God wants you to be. Take every opportunity to be a seed planter of “God’s love”.



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