Tuesday, November 19, 2019

This Little Piggy Went.....!


“How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace and brings good news of happiness. Who announces salvation, And says to Zion “Your God reigns!’ (Isaiah 52:7).

Hey gang: How’s your feet? Now in a circle of ten people, nine would say, that is a pretty stupid question. I probably would have, too, five years ago but I have been having some problems with my feet lately that kind of keeps them in my thoughts.

Last week I stubbed my pinkie which immediately sent electronic waves to my brain and an immediate “ouch” came forth from the recesses of my dome of intellect. Wow, for such a little thing, it certainly sent shock waves to my brain. And at the point of our pain, how many know that God does some strange things to turn adversity into an object lesson?

I opened a magazine and you will never guess what the very first article was about – “feet”. That same night I was watching the news and an advertisement came on and, you guessed it, about “feet”. So, I thought maybe God was trying to send me a message and I began to research “feet” in the Bible. I was absolutely amazed at all that the Bible has to say about feet!

The first thing I learned was “feet” are an object of humility. The greatest single act of humility, in my humble opinion, in the Bible was at the Last Supper when Jesus laid aside his garments and washed the feet of the disciples. Wow, can you imagine that. The King of Glory washing the feet of the disciples? I have also been studying the phrase “In Christ” that appears over two hundred times in the New Testament.

Although I am barely into the study, I have noticed that many references to being “in Christ” are centered on our being humble before the Lord; what Paul referred to himself as a “Bondservant of the Lord”.

While serving as an interim pastor at a church that honored the Lord’s Words, I experienced “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:12-15). It was my first experience of washing a brother's feet and it was one of those mountain top experiences.

The Bible is filled with many wonderful stories that center on these lowest extremities of our body that grovels in the dirt throughout their lifetime. So, young folks, the next time you do not believe your feet are beautiful, remember, “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace and brings good news of happiness. Who announces salvation and says to Zion “Your God reigns!’ (Isaiah 52:7).


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