Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Jesus IS the Light of the World

“People walking in darkness have seen a GREAT LIGHT: and on those living in the land of the shadow of death a LIGHT has dawned.” (emphasis mine. Isaiah 9:2 NIV).  Read John 1: 1-18
Previously, I mentioned a couple books I often reread during Advent.  This morning, reading another one Christmas Treasury by Dr Adrian Rogers, the Lord touched my heart to share some key points of his section on LIGHT, adding my thoughts to his, and let you ponder this LIGHT of LIFE, JESUS. 

GREAT LIGHT – In Isaiah’s time, as in ours and down through the centuries, there has been much darkness. (So much of Today’s culture) God’s enemy, Satan has developed a culture of darkness and death; but spiritual darkness is also very prevalent.  The Hebrew people were often in darkness when they rejected God’s Law and presence.

At the time of Jesus’ birth there had been no prophetic Word from God for nearly 400 years.  Jesus’ birth was announced with a light in the sky for us to see and light from the heavenly angels for all to hear.  He is the LIGHT of the world for all to follow and not walk in darkness.

PURITY of LIGHT – Dr Rogers’ research indicated nothing is so pure as light.  It cannot be corrupted or defiled no matter what it passes through or what falls on it.  If you shine a light on a dirty window, the light is not touched by the dirt; light only exposes dirt!!

Jesus, the pure, incorruptible light from heaven, God-man, who knew no sin, came to expose it – John 1:8. He touched sinners, but sin never touched him – until the cross.  He was the only one who could look at others and say, “Can any of you prove me guilty of sin?”  (John 8:45).

CONSTANT LIGHT – We enjoy the lights of Christmas.  Do they make you think of Jesus the Light of the World? He was in the beginning with God /Creator (John 1:1-2) and God declares that He changes Not. (Malachi 3:6).

Einstein recognized that the speed of light is THE constant of the natural world. He indicated that all else is relative.  Our LIGHT, Jesus, was in the beginning and will be the LIGHT of Eternity. (Revelation 22:5).

VITALITY of LIGHT – “In him was life and that life was the LIGHT of men.” (John 1:4)
So often we see life and light connected.  Try growing something without light! Even we humans get depressed when natural light is not available for length time.  Dr Rogers used the illustration of ‘Photosynthesis’, which we all learned elementary science.  The Psalmist tells us God’s words are Light. (119:130).

No matter how dark our circumstances might seem, the Light of Jesus can shine in our heart, mind and soul.  The LIGHT from heaven – baby Jesus - brought us eternal light as resurrected Messiah!

VICTORY LIGHT – “Let your Light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) 

Dr Rogers wrote about another truth of Light: not only does it shine in darkness – “the darkness does not comprehend It extinguish.  ( (John 1:5). History – His Story – is really about God and evil, ie. light and darkness.  The enemy has tried to extinguish it from the beginning of TIME.  Check out the stories of Adam, Cain, Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, just to name a few.  God has always had a remnant who seek Him.

Yes, today the enemy continues to try to disrupt, discourage and extinguish our light, in your life and mine – but “Greater is He in me than he who is in the world.”  (I John 4:4).

GLORY of the LIGHT - Jesus our Savior and LORD. Remember He was in the beginning with God and said, “Be Light” (Gen 1:3). God led the Children of Israel through the Wilderness with cloud by day and LIGHT by night.  That same LIGHT, the Shekinah Glory of God, filled the Tabernacle (dwelling place) and later the Temple.  The Apostle John wrote, “We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (1:14 NASB)

Science tells us ‘light’ is made up of a spectrum of seven colors. (Check out a prism) Jesus/ Creator is the one who made everything colorful and glorious. He is the Glory of God.  We can choose to reject the LIGHT, but like the stars, even when we don’t see them, they are in place. Jesus is a heartbeat away.

Sooo, dear family and friends, Jesus will dispel your darkness and mine with the Glory of His presence…IF WE ASK HIM to do so!!!   Have a glorious Christ/LIGHT filled Christmas and let his LIGHT shine in the New Year.  
                Silent Night, Holy Night, Son of God, Love’s PURE LIGHT,
                Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace,
                Jesus Lord, at Thy birth…..

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