Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Come Away and Rest

“He that dwells in the secret place of the Host High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Psalm 91:1

Recently I read a devotional about ‘The Cabin rule’ that was almost a ‘sacred’ tradition for anyone visiting the cabin.   This cabin was built on a spot chosen to watch the glorious sunsets.  Whoever visits here must STOP whatever is happening to go sit on the porch to watch the sunset.  Why? Because God waits there!

The writer, Brock Kidd says: “We can show up broken, lonely, discouraged, and God is there in His unfathomable creation.”  How beneficial to take time each day just to sit and enjoy God’s creation.

It made me think that we cannot always see the sunset from where we are BUT we can all choose DAILY  to meet with God in our own special place –a walk, a special chair by the window as we can see His creation, in the night sky, and ALWAYS a time in His Word. This would be a blessing for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health!  Read Psalm 19:1-6.” There is no speech or language where His voice is not heard!” Anyone who watches channels that show the colorful fish or unique creatures of God’s creation – including you and me – must know that He can meet us anywhere- if we choose!

Our culture has encouraged such a fast paced and active lifestyle that we give little credence to quiet time of any kind. Statistics indicate that an increasing number of people in our county seek help, pills, hospitals etc. for emotional needs. There is a saying: “Jesus says to us – ‘Come apart with ME or you will come apart!’”  I think we see this played out in life!

A benefit of the Covid Quarantine is that life DID slow down for many, families did some things together and many choose to seek God, His Word, and Son Jesus!  Jesus tells us to come to Him with our burdens and he will give us rest. (Matthew 11:26).  But He also says, “Come follow Me, walk with Me, do as I do.” And He spent quality time with His Father – away from all noise, interference, lists, and troublesome issues.  He calls us to do the same.

God Set aside one day of seven to rest –whether Saturday or Sunday. Most of us cannot even take an hour or few minutes. I am old enough to remember Sunday as Church day and rest and nothing else but Sunday Dinner! 

I’m going to include the worlds poem/song that became special to us – even before we knew the Cancer diagnosis:  In the presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace, troubles vanish, hearts are mended in the presence of the King.”  We need to rest in His abiding love.

Being in Israel for Shabbat/Sabbath is such a blessing.  Here is a recent post from a Jewish friend:
It’s that wonderful time of the week-time to unplug from the chaos and noise. 
A time to rest, recharge and celebrate being a human being, not a human doing.
A time to draw closer to God”.

Soooo dear readers, do you have a special time of each day where you meet our Father and enjoy His creation and presence without interruption?  Try It – you may like it!  And it will change your life!

Gma J

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