Monday, November 9, 2020

We Remember Them


Hey Gang, This is a pre-Veteran’s Day story from this year’s Guidepost Devotional. August 20, that I set aside for this week.  We have many family members who have served and are serving our country today.  America bless God! We were blessed to have them return home -even  in different states of emotional and physical condition.

“He was buried with the kings in the City of David, because of the good he had dome in Israel for God and his temple.” II Chronicles 24:16 (NIV)

As my family and I were flying from an overseas assignment back to the United States recently, I noticed something out of place about a passenger wearing his military dress uniform.  Having lived overseas for a number of years, I knew that soldiers, for security reasons, are not supposed to wear uniforms while traveling.

My curiosity was finally satisfied when we landed and heard that our flight carried the remains of a World War II casualty being returned home to his family for burial.  The pilot asked for respect as the person in uniform escorted the body.  I am proud to live in a country where such effort and care is taken to brin fallen service members home.  Decades after this service member lost his life, he was returned home with great dignity and respect.  Service to others is service to the Lord.

I believe every American on board sat solemnly while the service member left the plane and retrieved the remains.  I prayed.  Unfortunately, some of the passengers from other countries carried on as if nothing was happening.  While this was disappointing, I took comfort in the reverence with which many Americans do honor out fallen heroes.

Displaying your beliefs, whether because of national pride or religious convictions, can often meet with misunderstanding, lack of regard, or even outright opposition.  Standing true sometimes means standing alone.  Even when I am surrounded by people who do not understand my convictions. I hope I will always have the courage to standup for my beliefs and to honor those who deserve my appreciation and respect.

Dear Lord, we thank you for those who have loved others above themselves, for those who have sacrificed their lives so that freedom can reign in our great nation.  May we continue to revere their sacrifice.                                                                                      -Jolynda Strandberg


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