Thursday, December 10, 2020

Questions to Ponder!!


My goal was to start doing some blogs in January, but seemingly God had other plans.  These thoughts were laid on my heart so urgently, today, I had to get them on paper.  Those who know me know I was the teacher and facts person of our team.  (Yes, teachers also tell stories and give examples!! And I probably give more information than you really want to know- I just want you to know what I know.

I will continue through the years to regularly repost some Gramps writings, but you will also become my classroom for things the Lord lays on my heart.   Gma J

 “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wisemen from the east to Jerusalem, saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him.” Matthew 2:1-2

Hey gang, it is not very often that we read Scripture about the rejection, passion and crucifixion of Jesus at this time of year.  However, in the last 24 hours I have read Mark 15 in Scripture and Gramps ‘Hillbilly Ramblings of that Scripture, prepared Scripture for sharing stories about some of the Christmas carols and read Christmas devotions.  My head is in a whirl.

Reading a favorite devotional, The Wonder of Christmas by Daniel Partner -which I have read every year since 2005- made me want to share some things with you.  The Bible is full of Mysteries - Mainly- how God the Creator could become the created, walk on this earth as man and give his life as sacrifice for my sin, then resurrected to be our hope of life everlasting with Him!  And there are others - but none so great as to keep us from Knowing Jesus Savior, Redeemer and LORD!

So, Mysteries in the above Scripture: (Remember Scripture is not full History of all that happened)  

       1. Wise men, Magi, Priests, Astrologers ?                                                                                                           Who were they really?  Scripture does not say.  Poets, storytellers and research scholar have thoughts. It really doesn’t matter!! They came a long way to worship Him!  If they came from Babylon, as most believe because of Daniels Influence there, at minimum have taken over a month. Questions: Were they all together when the Star appeared? Did they have to gather supplies and those who would travel with them (Caravans were safest)? Or did they leave impulsively?  Traveled at Night? Bright Star!!!

They did bring 3 gifts.  Did these have special meaning to them - as to us today?  Gold representing a King; Frankincense representing Priesthood and purity; Myrrh significant for burial?? 

     2. The Star - must have been unique orbit to travel east to west for whatever time period. ONLY GOD! With today’s computer programs and researchers, they can track stars orbits from millennia past and see them in the future as well.  (Interesting DVD at www.starofbethlehem/movie.)

     3. The Scribes and religious leaders knew the Scriptures and quickly turned to Micah 5:2. Bethlehem, only about 5 miles away. SO close, but they chose not to with the Magi, and He wasn’t there after Magi left! They missed their opportunity!!. Missed opportunity!! Were they concerned about their status? Or not want to be different? They knew the Scriptures in their heads but God did not first place in their hearts.  Magi came a long way to worship the King.

     4. Fresh in my mind were the Arrest, trial, rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea, wealthy, respected member of the Sanhedrin took a risk and asked to bury Jesus’ body, an act of great care and mercy in Jewish tradition. He knew his never used tomb was near-by. Nikodemus helped and brought abundant spices for the burial; maybe the women who followed them helped.  It was nearing sundown, the start of the high holy Sabbath, Passover.  Were these two men related to any of the religious leaders present when the wise men came to Jerusalem?  At some point, Joseph and Nikodemus became followers and were willing to risk lives, wealth and position for their LORD.  Not knowing there would be a NEW DAY!

Sooo, dear readers, questions for you???                                                                                                                                                                               1.  Do you know Jesus as Savior and LORD and have a personal relationship with him? If not, get in touch with me or someone you know is a true Believer                                                               

      2. If a stranger came to your door asking, “How do I find Jesus is, could  you tell them?


Gma J

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