Sunday, January 21, 2024

Just Butt IN


Monday, January 28, 2013

  "Oh, that I had wings like a dove!  I would fly away and be at rest.  Behold, I would wander far away, I would lodge in the wilderness.  I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind and tempest." (Ps. 55:6 - 8)

 Hey Gang:  Everybody in the world has heard, and perhaps even used, the words ‘Butt Out’.  Some have modified the words and say, "Hey man, give me some space!"   I believe the major problem in our world today is that mega multitudes of folks have said to Abba Father, “Just "Butt Out."  And when He is told to ‘Butt Out’, I do believe that is precisely what He does.

 Let me ask you a question this morning: “Do you think America has sent a message to Abba Father to ‘Just Butt Out’?  I certainly believe that is precisely what has been said.  My prayer for many months prior to the election was, "Lord, I pray you will' Butt In' - to the Affairs of our Nation".   I felt that was a prayer that Abba Father would hear.  I am instructed to pray for our leaders and did not want to dishonor that command to us.  But at the same time, I wanted Abba Father to know that if our country is going to repent of our gross sin, it could only happen if He, YHWH "Butt's In".  

 I confess, after the election I was depressed, I mean really depressed.  Not so much about the President's re election, although that, too, was a depressing reality, but rather I had such deep hopes that this would be the time when God would "Butt In" and lead us out of the wilderness.  It was truly a time when I needed a restoration of Spirit in my heart and soul. 

I found myself being drawn to 2 Chronicles 7:14, a verse that is very familiar to all who have been called by His name.  It is a powerful verse that gives us hope even in the most difficult times.  But, the more I pondered on this verse, the more I began to understand there is a Covenant involved in the fulfillment of this verse.

 The first thing that hit me was the tiny word "if".  The fulfillment of the Covenant is determined by the tiny word "if".    "If" My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways".  The prerequisites for fulfillment of the covenant - humble ourselves, pray and put away our wicked ways. 

 I began to seek God's counsel on where I had failed.  Was pride an issue with me? Have I not humbled myself before you?  Have I failed in my praise and adoration to you through prayer and worship?  Lord, is there lurking in the recesses of my heart things that do not bring honor and glory to you?

Sooooo, my friends, I fell better this morning after unloading the guilt feelings I have harbored since I did not get my way on election day.  Confession is good for the soul.   Isn't that what God's word teaches us?  I am glad I know that He is Sovereign God and I know His kingdom is forever.



PS It is hard to believe what has happened to our country in the last 10 years!! Continue to pray for our country and our leaders to seek God’s wisdom and thank Him for revival that is sweeping through our country and others nation. Including Israel!  We are 10 years closer to His return!

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