Sunday, April 7, 2024

Just Like the Days of No

 Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah, For as in those day before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark and they did not understand until, the flood came and took them all away, so will the coming of the Son of Man be" (Matthew 24:37-39).

 Hey Gang:  I tuned into what was supposed to be a discussion about the controversial movie "Noah", but it sounded more like an argument than a discussion.  I am always amazed that the movie moguls feel a need to improvise and improve on the miracles of the Word of God.  I mean, how can one improve on the parting of the Sea to allow the Israeli children to walk on dry land and escape Pharaoh's charioteers?  Or the creation story or the flood, or the etc. etc. etc.

 After hearing the various critical analysis and the many religious guru's, I sensed my time would be better spent reading the Biblical account of the event to see what really happened.  I do believe Moses had a better handle on the whole affair than the people involved in the ‘so called’ up dated and modern version of what happened at that time. 

 The critical analysis of the movie, on the part of the religious community, certainly got a lot of people’s attention.  Might I add a "praise the Lord" for that! Now ,before you tar and feather me for such a brash statement, let me add a thought or two for your consideration.  In my life-time I have believed that God has given me the gift of "seed planting".  I cannot boast of a green thumb, as most plants that I have touched soon fade away, but the Word into hearts, I pray has different results. 

 I have also been a seeker of ‘how do we penetrate the ‘domes of intellect’ of those folks who have never been blessed to have someone cross their paths with the Word and joy of having a relationship with Father God.    In other words, how does one connect the wondrous things God has done, and continues to do before our very eyes, when we have no connecting lines to Abba Father?

 When asked about the Noah film one young man made the following comment: "I went to see the film and enjoyed it, not so much for the content but for the photography and the neat things they did to project the floods and such." 

Okay, I can buy that.  But his next statement was the one that made me put down my book and pay attention.  He said, “After hearing all the controversy, I went into the closet and dug out the Bible my mother gave me when I was a little squeezer and read the story for myself.  And then I read it again and a third time.  But I did not stop there, I wanted to find out the context of the story and why ‘if there is a God’ (the seed is planted), He would see the need to wipe out most of His creation?

 I wonder how many people went to see Noah because of the media hype and did not have a clue what they were going to see, but came away with a’ seed planted’ in their minds and hearts to seek a deeper understanding of what was presented in the movie.  Mistakes, yes, but if it did indeed impact others, like it did with the young man, make them dig out that dusty Bible and get the truth - should we not be thankful? Keep in mind that God can take anything and turn it to good.

 Soooo, let me share with you a small piece of what I believe is my mission that God has challenged me too for my remaining years.  I have been researching the descriptions of hell and heaven to use in a future morning message.  Why? Because most people stop reading when they read the encyclopedia definition of hell, which in my opinion, has glorified hell.

 Revelation 20:14 gives us a much better understanding that should light a fire under every believer to prevent even their enemies from not accepting Christ as Savior.  Notice the words, "…then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.  And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire"  (Revelation. 20:14-15).

 Now hear this old man -is it not time to look at the things that unite us under that banner of Christ? Is our love relationship not strong enough that we can tackle our differences?  The one thing that frightens me the most is that I will miss the opportunity to break the bondage that Satan has over a soul and lead him or her to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.



This one rang my bell this morning.  I am teaching on End Times and plan to go with a group to the ARK model in September! 

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