Sunday, June 9, 2024

Are You A New Creature In Christ Jesus?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

 Hey Gang:  As a young lad growing up in the hills of Pennsylvania, we were challenged to do something to aid in the war effort.  World War II was the focus of everyone in those days and we wanted to do our part.  So, we spent a day a month searching throughout the hillsides and along the roadways for milkweeds that could be used to make rubber.

 Now, if you know anything about milkweeds, you probably know that caterpillars love milkweeds and often attach their chrysalis (cocoon) to it.   We often collected one and put in a glass jar that had a lid with air holes and with a short stick and milkweed leaves for food. The stage was set and each day we would watch one of the wonders of God's creation - metamorphosis take place.

 Watching the caterpillar was like watching a tug of war between two great warriors but the tug of war was God's design to place strength in the wings of the butterfly that would enable it to fly.  I recall one time, when we made the mistake of helping the caterpillar escape, only to see it lamely fly for a moment or two, then drop to the ground and die.

 In our work with human caterpillars who are struggling to escape the cocoon that holds them captive, we learned there is a time to help them, but there is a time to make them fight their way out of the cocoon that holds them captive.

 As I thought about this story, a sad memory surfaced in my heart and mind.  I had a very good friend who was blessed with a wonderful mom, but she was his own worst enemy.  I remember one morning when I arrived at his house a little early and his mom had him standing on chair while she washed his face, put his clothes on, tied his shoes, combed his hair and lifted him down from the chair as she would handle a dozen eggs.  He was never allowed to fall and feel the victory of getting up and putting one foot in front of the other.  And, on the day he went off to college he was totally unprepared for living in the real world; he came apart mentally.

 The point, the caterpillar has no choice in metamorphosis, but man must choose to be changed.  To become a Christian, we must experience death to the carnal man, so that "Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life" (Romans 6:4).

 When the new creature crawls out of the cocoon it has been transformed into something beautiful not at all resembling its former self.  The butterfly uses its lovely wings to fly from flower to flower, drinking and adding beauty to the environment.  It is no longer attracted to the milkweed leaves for feeding.

 In the same way, our spiritual feeding habits should clearly change when we become Christians.  Instead of filling ourselves with 'weeds' we should feast on the 'nectar' of God's Word.

 Soooo, what does your diet consist of?  Are you feeding on milkweed or nectar?  Isaiah 55:2 gives us the key to success for breaking free from the cocoons of life that hold us in bondage: "Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?  And your labor for that which satisfies not?  Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good." 


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