Friday, March 21, 2014

Peace Like A River

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give you.  Do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be fruitful” (John 14:27).  “For thus says the Lord, “behold, I extend peace to her like a river” (Is. 66:12).
Hey Gang:  I have been blessed in my life to find two places where I feel God’s peace deep in my soul.   Now, before you take me to task for making such a brash statement, let me add some meat to that statement.   I am certain that some of you would say when we are in the arms of Christ, we should feel perfect peace at all times.  I certainly wish that were true and, if you experience that kind of peace, I envy you.  But in my lifetime I struggled when I heard a pastor preach on Philippians 4:7 that tells me “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension (understanding), will guard you hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus”.   

I am writing this Gramps Morning Message from the African Inland Mission, known by the residents as ‘Media’, meaning half way between the mission field and heaven.  Media is the retirement residence for seventy-seven missionaries that spent thirty or more years in Africa as warriors for Christ.  Several have invested more that forty five years seeking out the lost and giving them the Good News that there is God in heaven who loves them so much He sent His only Son to die on a horrendous cross that they might live eternally with Him.
It has been my privilege to come here several times and invest a small piece of my life in helping to expand the campus so that others can come.  What joy there is in having seventy-seven children of God praying for you when you are hanging shingles or suspended thirty feet in the air, painting trusses. Visiting with them in their homes and listening to their stories are experiences I will never forget.
I might add, referring to these dear people as retirees is indeed a misnomer.  Prayer is the joy of their lives when they connect with their Heavenly Daddy.  We see them taking their daily walks with prayer list in hand.  All those who have the physical stamina to “go into all the world” are involved in the surrounding churches, schools and lives of the local people. 
Sooooo, when I tell people we are going to Florida the response Is always the same - to do what?  Your not going to spend time on the beach, or go to Disney Land?  I mean you are eighty years old, isn’t it time to relax and enjoy your retirement years.  And our response is always the same, we will do some of those things but our focus is to “be about our Fathers business”.  I wonder how many sheep will be in heaven because of the commitment of these 77 warriors for Christ.  How about you? 
P.s. On our last working trip here there was a dear lady that was cared for in what we would call the extended care facility by the name of Florence.  She was blind and had multiple infirmities but she was joy to spend time with.   And then one day her systems began to shut down and they moved her to the hospital where they stabilized her and added a few more days to her life.  It is said that she ministered to every nurse, doctor and aid in those days and then one day she announced to the chaplain, “Today I am going to go and meet my Jesus face to Face.”  Wow, what an awesome testimony.  

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