Friday, September 11, 2015

Point of No Return - part Three

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:13).  “Be sober of spirit, be on the alert.  Your adversary, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8).

Hey Gang:  The story of the “Point of No Return” goes far beyond airplanes.  It is engrained in the Seed Planting principle:  “You will reap what you sow”. (Gal 6:7).  A visitor to a prison was walking through the prison yard when he encountered one of the inmates who was tying up the weekly laundry in a tarp for shipment to the laundry.  The visitor remarked, “Sewing, heh?”  To which the inmate responded, “No “reaping!”

In the study of history of nations that have gone beyond the ‘point of no return’, we find they were born and they grew into powerful entities, but at some point the said to God, “We will take over now” and moved beyond where He had designed them to be.

We also find this to be true with many fallen ministries.  There is no question that many ministries were designed and anointed by God; however, after reaching success under God’s anointing, a smugness moved in that said, ‘We can take it from here God; we no longer need you’.  But such smugness is not limited to Christian ministries.  The Business Community is not immune from the ‘big head’ syndrome;  for that matter, there are no immunities including families, when one moves from dependency on God to “I can do all things myself”. 

As a young, very inexperienced director of a developing ministry, I received a very sound piece of advice from an old salt that had been through the developmental wars.  His counsel: “Never try and sell what you are going to do, but do it and then sell the product”.  He also said, “To go into debt on a dream or an untested commodity has been the death of many good ideas that had not reached their time.  He topped his counsel off with one last bit of wisdom:  “Use the Biblical principle of seeking the counsel of two of more folks who are successful and have their head screwed on right, who do not get caught up in the fads of the world.

Getting back to the subject “’Point of No Return’ as mentioned before, history’s graveyards are filled with the cadavers of once powerful nations that decided they could do it their way.  There is great concern, by many seers of our world today who firmly believe this once- great nation founded on Judeo-Christian Principles, is nearing that day when a wake will be held for what was - but is no more. 

Never has a nation that was so high on its horse fallen so rapidly, and its falling condition can be directly measured by its rejection of God.  The day our President choose to cover the Peoples House (the White House) with the colors of the rainbow in celebration for five individuals ruling that God’s laws pertaining to marriage were now null and void and we would do it our way, was the day a gigantic spike was driven into the heart of this nation.

Soooo, young folks, there is one last area of “The Point of No Return” that we need to look at, for it affects each and every one of us - our personal relationship with Christ.  Our failures in the business world, government areas, and personal failures can be overcome.  We can pick up the pieces and put out a new shingle with a renewed product, but our failure to place our hands in the hands of the One who stills the waters, is a road of no return and a never ending tragic eternity.  



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