Thursday, November 12, 2015

Do You Still Have the Towel In Your Hand?

God’s Power Principle For Today: ”For yet in a very  little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.  But My righteous one shall live by faith: And if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.  (Heb. 10:37-39). 

Hey Gang:  Yes, our country has some very deep problems, but when I survey what is happening around our world, I say, ”Thank God, I am an American”.   Note, there are two fabulous promises in the Power Principle of the day:   First there is the promise that one day soon the horrors and agony of this world will pass away, and Christ will return to Zion’s Mountain and set up His Kingdom. 

But there is a meantime and, I suspect, the powers of darkness are not going to let up on their harassing ways.  The writer of Hebrews tell us, “My righteous one will live by faith” (V 38).  David Wilkerson made an excellent point when he wrote, “Faith is indeed a command.  It is written the just shall live by faith” (V 38; Habakkak 2:4), not the just might or could live by faith, but WILL live by faith. But it does not end there, continue in Hebrews 10:38 “But My righteous one shall live by faith and if he shrinks back My soul has no pleasure in him”

In today’s world our governments run by polling data.  We elect our leaders by who is popular and their political affiliations, not by who has the best qualification and seeks wisdom from the Wisdom Giver.  Proverbs tells us that “wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord” (Prov. 1:7 &9:10).  There are times when I wonder if there are Believers in the Belt Way.

In a recent poll it was reported that the number one malady in our nation today is discouragement.  When asked if they believe American has gone beyond the point of no return, a growing majority believe we are well beyond that line.

I believe that places restrictions and limits on God.   We say God is all powerful out of one side of our mouth and that He does not have the power to turn this nation around to its former Christian foundations out of the other.    In the year 2000 (given on November 26) we attended the First Assembly of God in Grand Rapids.  During a revival when the Spirit of God was moving in a powerful way, the following prophecy was given:

      “Yea, I will indeed bring this nation to their knees but, it will be the knees of my people, and they will push back the forces of darkness and yea, I will still crush the hand of the enemy.   Yea, Your forefather’s prayers were not in vain   and those things they fought for I will restore.  Yea, I am a God who is in control.  Yea, I will make the nations of the earth laugh at America but their laughter will be turned back upon them for I am the Lord Thy God and I am in control and yea, I will bring forth the banner as My people pray.  Yea, I will bring forth Holy righteousness into this nation again.  Yes, I will pour out my Spirit and I will put my arms around this nation as I have never done before and yea my people shall see a great revival.  Yea, Ye shall receive the renewing of the Spirit, and yea, it shall be powerful, and all the nations shall look upon the earth and upon this nation as a Holy Nation once again.”

Soooo,  “I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “O Lord, You are the great and awesome  God, who keeps His covenant of love with all who love Him and obey His commands” (Daniel 9:4).   Your Word is very clear, it is not the world that is going to fix our nation and get it back on the right track, but those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and it is by our fruits that He will know us!”



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