Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What Is Your Security?

“God is our refuge and strength, (Can you yell at the top of your lungs in this day of woe, AMEN TO THAT!) A very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear”   (Psalm 46:1-2).

Hey Gang:    The question was posed to the woman who had just won the lottery: “What had changed in her life.”  She responded, “I used to worry about where I was going to get my next meal, now I worry that someone will come and steal my next meal!”  It is a known fact there are more nervous breakdowns and suicides directly tied to financial issues than any other. 

According to the financial gurus of our world today, the news is gloomier than being “up the creek without a paddle”.   But I have also discovered there are two schools of thought when it comes to what folks in this world put their faith in.  There are the John Paul Getty’s who, all though they are among the richest in the world, when asked, “How much more do you need?“  Answer, ”Just a little more”.

It is said of one that on the day of his burial, as his hearse was passing by spectators on his way to the final resting place, two old coggers were sitting on a bench; one turned to the other and said, “I wonder how much he left behind?”  The other answered “All of it!" 
In our world today we have mega ways to place our security in the inventions of man.   There are bank accounts, precious metals, insurance policies, health care plans, retirement funds, financial investments – these are things in which many people place their trust.

Some may invest in high fences, aggressive watchdogs, or elaborate alarm systems to protect their properties.  Still others may stash away a stockpile of survival items or build a bomb shelter.   The Psalmist gave us a better way that also provides peace of mind: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8).

But regardless of all human precautions, the world can offer nothing that is absolutely secure:  the economy may collapse, causing money, banks, and businesses to fail; insurance plans may be inadequate; company may go bankrupt; earthly assets are vulnerable to theft, deterioration, earthquake, flood or fire;  we can be robbed or swindled;  Identify thief is a major industry.

 Jeremiah addressed this very issue when he wrote, “True security is found in looking upward to Someone in whom we can safely place our confidence.  That Someone is our unchanging God, who is our solid rock and Refuge, our ever present help in time of need.   Our confidence should not be in ‘uncertain riches, but in the living God’”.  (I Tim.  6:17).

We don’t have a clue what the bankers of the world have up their sleeves, or what the future holds, but as children of God we trust  the One who holds the future in His hand.  We do not need to live in the grip of fear, worry, or anxiety.  With the assurance of God’s loving care, we can have calm serenity and deep, settled peace as we face what lies ahead.  With our trust in our great Protector, we have all we need to be truly secure in life and in death.    He has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

And know this my young friends, “Treasure in Heaven” is the only investment that is safe and sound, sure and secure”.

Blessings,  Psalm 90:17


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