Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fake or Real?

“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” (John 16:13). 

Hey Gang:  I do not know about you but I am so very happy that the power switch has been made and our nation have started down a new road. Only time will tell if it turns out to be a road filled with the same old pot holes or a new time with exciting changes that will make our country better and our lives more peaceful.   

During that time when we were going through the agony and pain of who would be the exulted leader of America the Beautiful but bent nation, I made a promise to myself: if I could not find anything good on the news I would tune out and save what is left of my sanity.   It appears that many feel we have penned a new descriptive word for news in recent months - “Fake News”.  Really?  Or is it just placing a title on somethings that has been the earmark of the news media for as long as I have been around, at least the last 50 years!

Well, that is not what I believe I am to share with you today.  Frankly, I am very happy that it is not.  There are not many subject areas that tick me off as much as the news, unless, of course, you are talking about the Detroit Pussy Cats, commonly referred to as the Lions. 

As I mentioned in one of my past Morning Messages, I tend to stay away from the television and radio news as much as possible and rely on several sources that I believe have ears tuned to what God is doing in this day and age.  I have adopted two very special verse in my studies of “what’s happening Man’ one by Jesus when He said “I don’t want you to be in a fog bank but know what is going on” and the second is “Don’t buy what you hear until you check it out with two or more folks that have their heads screwed on right.

Even with these two filters in place, I am very cautious of Jesus’ words when He said, See to it no one misleads you.  For many will come in My names, saying, I am the Christ and will mislead many” (Matt. 24:4b-5).  Hey, my friends, there is a heap of deception going on in our world – RIGHT NOW!

Several weeks ago I wrote a short analogy of what I think the process of deception looks like and then reread it and thought it was to corny and placed in the recycle bin.   After honing it down let me bore you with it for a moment or two.  It goes like this: “The reporter got there a few seconds late and heard the scientist say, “the moon is made of green cheese”.  What he did not hear him say was “There are a folks today that believe that the moon is made of green cheese”. 

Excitedly he whipped out his IPod and scribbled a note to His editor who immediately wrote an article for the front page of his rag “Scientist Discovers, The Moon is Made of Green Cheese”.  Within the hour, the radio and television news departments picked it up and they were now avowing the truth presented by this scientist.  It finally reached the halls of Congress where the ‘head people’ determined it should be taught to our children, ie. that the moon was indeed made of green cheese and passed regulations demanding that it be added to the curriculum

Stupid analogy, right?  But wait, there was a guy by the name of Charles Darwin who make an equally stupid statement.  A statement that contaminates the minds of every child who goes through our education system.  And today we have the ‘Earth is about to fry syndrome’ that is making a group of people big bucks promoting this theory.

As I read the Bible, I find hundreds of examples where God controlled the weather, changed the weather, used the weather to reprimand His creation and even used it to wipe all but eight from the face of the earth, because of gross sin.  News media recently reported the  average temperature went up one tenth of a degree in 2015.  Time to panic, right?  But wait, there were periods in our past when the earth went through ice ages.   I wonder if they built fires on the ice to bring the temperature up.

Jesus said, “Be not deceived”.  He said it over and over again knowing that, like the five unprepared virgins who failed to prepare for the coming of the bridegroom, many will be totally unprepared to evaluate whether the message came from Father God or a Charles Darwin or Alvin Gore.  

I believe with all my heart that, if you were to run into Jesus today, He would warn you to get into the Word and make sure you will not end up in the “Hot” place that has been prepared for those who choose to go their own way.   He would also tell you, “I have prepared a place with perfect environment, perfect everything and you will spend all eternity in My presence.”

Now that folk’s is not Fake talk, but truth straight from the heart of God! 



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