Holy Land Picture of the Day
Today's picture is of steps in the path leading up to the legendary Herodian desert fortress of Masada, where members of the Jewish rebel factions which revolted against Rome in 70 AD made their last stand, as recorded by the historian Josephus in his book "The Jewish Wars." It reminds us of Job 31:4; "Does He not see my ways and number all my steps?
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that you would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
Hey gang: Several years ago,while we were still doing some Love and Logic teaching sessions, we learned of a neat story about a five year old who had suddenly grown out of the “cute stage” to the “pain in the neck stage”. Something had to be done, so the parents attended a Love and Logic workshop, bought the book and implemented the program. One day they could not find the book. After looking under beds, in drawers, etc., the mystery was solved when they found the book in the downstairs commode. The five year old was not about to go down without a fight.
Recently I purchased a book by John Ortberg, that had a very intriguing title, “Life You’ve Always Wanted”. He begins the book by listing things he is disappointed in, beginning with “I am disappointed with myself”. He admits some of the things are neurotic, some are very trivial, but some are very revealing.
He listed his disappointment that he is not all he was cracked up to be as a husband, or a father, a neighbor a friend and human being in general. He confessed, I" am disappointed that I still love God so little and sin so much." He further stated that, as a child, he always had the idea that adults were pretty much the people they wanted to be, but has since learned that is a “pie in the sky” statement.
As I mentioned the book is one that I too would like to put in the toilet, for it takes me places that I along tend to keep buried. Although many of the things challenges our thinking. One statement that hit me in the bread basket was, “I am disappointed at my lack of disappointment”.
Why would I like to turn back the hands of time and place the book back on the shelf of the store? Because it has made me face the truth that I am not all I am cracked up to be and have learned that there is not a great deal I can do about it ……………in my own strength. Since I am only one third through the book, I suspect you will hear more about Pastor Ortberg’s disappointments, for they seem to be much like mine.
Soooo, good folks, many of those who read these morning thoughts are much too young to remember an old sailor boy by the name of Popeye, the spinach eating super hero. To those of us who do remember his exploits, we remember his battle cry ,“I yam what I yam”. For many, that is the cry of the human race. It certainly has been a cry of mine for too many years.. O how I need a “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world to become an overcomer”.
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