Monday, July 27, 2015

Jubilee Two

“You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years.  You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month, as the Day of Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land” (Lev. 25:8-9).

Hey Gang:  I pray you have a deeper understanding of the Feasts, the meaning of each one, and it has instilled in you a deep desire to do some digging on your own and see what the Holy Spirit is saying to you.  And now it is time to return to the Year of Jubilee with this background in place.

Point One:  IN VERY BOLD PRINT – THERE IS A JUBILEE COMING VERY SOON.  As we mentioned before the Shemitah year ends on September 13, which is also Elul 29 on the Jewish calendar.  So fact number one: a repeat from Jubilee One that you need to tuck away in your hard drives, this Shemitah Year ends on Elul 29 and Jubilee begins on the next day which is Tishrei 1 which is also Rosh Hashanah which begins the Jewish New Year of 5776. 

Point two:  Jubilee is a Sabbath.  As Evangelist Dan Goodwin wrote in his book God’s Final Jubilee, we are not under the Sabbath in the New Testament Age.  It was meant to be a shadow of the coming of Christ and our resting in Him for salvation.  In Colossians 2:16-17 we read, “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ”.

There are several Sabbaths in the Bible.   There is the seventh day Sabbath, which is a Sabbath for man: It is a day of rest from all his labors.  The Sabbath is a picture of resting in Christ for our salvation.  Keeping the Sabbath according to Old Testament rules would cause rebellion in the streets today.  No, traveling, no cooking, no using all the modern devices that fill our homes. 

In Israel, today, the Sabbath is still honored by most.  It is a neat experience to stand on the eighth floor of the Hilton Hotel and watch the city of Jerusalem shut down on Friday afternoon.  The rich Jews move into the hotels where they continue to enjoy the modern conveniences that are available to them.  The elevators are programmed to stop at every floor, so as to not have to violate the Sabbath law – work to push a button, as also with telephones that can be answered without picking them up.  Foreigners prepare and serve the food.

The seventh year is a Sabbath for the land which was God’s plan for restoring the land.  The purpose was two- fold, first to have enough faith in God that He would supply their needs, even if they did not sink one shovel into the ground.  The second was to allow the land to rest and replenish itself.  Fertilizers were not available in that time and the animal waste insufficient to meet the grounds needs.  

The 49th year is a Sabbath called the Jubilee.  Every seventh day is a Sabbath for men to rest.  Every seventh year was a Sabbath for the land to rest.  Every 49th year was a Jubilee.  Not only was it a rest for the land, but it was a proclamation of liberty throughout the land.  Several things happened at the Jubilee. (This is a bit confusing from Goodwin.  Scripture says year after 7th Sabbath = 50th year).

1.        All property went back to the original owner on the Jubilee (Lev. 25:13).  Purpose to keep the land in the possession of the original 12 tribes as appointed under Joshua.  As mentioned before the Trumpet is sounded and the year of Jubilee begins which also happens to be the Day of Atonement.  (Lev. 25:9).  But it is also believed by most prophecies gurus that Jesus will come back on the Day of Atonement and put down the Antichrist and liberate  the earth (Read Revelation 19:11-16).

2.       All debt was forgiven on the Jubilee.  The purpose, to give all men a fresh start.  Wow, would that be awesome to wake up tomorrow morning and see all of your debt stamped ‘paid in full’.  Un-fortunately it has been proven that for many, debt is a way of life and being debt free would give them the motivation to hit the credit card route once again.

3.       All bond servants (slaves) were set free on the Jubilee.  If you had gone into debt and sold yourself as a bond slave to pay your debt, you and your family would go free at the Jubilee. This was God’s plan.  This is what Chapter 5 of Revelation is all about.  Christ, the Kinsman Redeemer, and will redeem the earth during the Tribulation.

Soooo, good folks, a very quick summary.  I close with Pastor Goodwill’s summary because I cannot improve on it:  “Christ paid our sin debt on Passover.  He lay in the grave during Unleavened Bread proving there was no leaven or sin in His body.  Christ rose victorious over death and the grave on Feast of First Fruits.  On Pentecost He empowered the church to go out and till the ground, plant, water, and get a crop in the ground.  At the end of 2000 year church age He comes back on Feast of Trumpets to reap the harvest of souls at what we call the rapture. 

At the end of seven years, the end of the Tribulation, we come back with the Bridegroom to end the Battle of Armageddon.  Christ stands on the Mount of Olives in fulfillment of the sixth feast, the Day of Atonement which happens in a Jubilee year. Satan is cast into the bottomless pit and the Kingdom Age begins on the seventh feast which is Feast of Tabernacles.  God and man will “dwell together”.  Yes, the clouds are gathering - but I peeked!  And in the end, those who love the Lord with all their hearts, WIN!  Hallelujah!  Amen and Amen!



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