Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Jesus, the Greatest Gift of All TIme- But What is the Second Greatest Gift?

“So he drove the man out; and at the east of the Garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way o the tree of life” (Gen. 3:24).

Hey Gang:   There is no question the great gift of all time given to us by our Lord is “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).   But, as I was standing by the bed of my brother who had suffered with Alzheimer’s for many years and now had wasted away to a 79 pound piece of flesh, I realized what a tremendous gift God gave to us when He placed cherubim with flaming swords at the gate to the Garden of Eden to prevent our having access to the ‘tree of life’.   

When I received the phone call from my daughter that my father had had a series of strokes and was no expected to live the night, I was in Illinois doing a workshop.  I gave her an impossible task: keep him alive until I get home so that I can say goodbye.   This she did, he was there in bodily form only, and as I took his hands and said my goodbyes to him I closed my goodbye by giving him my blessings to leave earthly body and go and be with the Lord. 

My father was 90; my brother was 86 years of age, both had lived beyond the words of the Psalmist, “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or, if due to strength, eighty years” (Psa. 90: 10).  For more than a year my prayer for my brother was “Lord. I pray Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, and I pray that Your will is to take him home.” What a blessing that he did not have to lay in that condition until Jesus returns! 

As a lad growing up I had a great fear of death.  I lost three of my grandparents within a short period of time and aunt to a fire.  It was during that time when our nation was locked into a world war, where death was ever present. Many families changed the color of the stars that hung in their windows which depicted whether their son or daughter was alive and well, or had paid the ultimate price.

I grew up with the feeling that death and funerals were very sad events and one should do us the Jewish traditions called for- bringing in the mourners who wailed and cried out for days in memory of one who passed away.   I remember when my grandfather passed away, the elderly ladies of the church, all dressed in black came and just sat in the house for the three days until the funeral.  As a little boy, death was a terrifying event.

But then one day the father of one of my employees passed away and I went to the funeral home to pay my respect to the family and was absolutely amazed when I walked in. The air was filled with praise music, people were singing and the building was filed with joy.  It was at that moment that it finally struck home - all of those verses that give us descriptions and promises that await for God’s people who have completed their tenure here on earth and have been invited to come and be with Him eternally.

Soooo,  my young friends if you have a fear of death, reread the fringe package that God has prepared for those who love Him and called according to His purposes.  There is a lot of running and leaping and praising God going on in the heavenlies.  I also understand it is a noisy place, the air is filed with praise and worship to our Lord.



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