Monday, November 23, 2015

Time to Take a Deep Breath - Part Three

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord” (I Cor. 15:57-58).

Hey Gang:  Yesterday, when I completed part two and placed the period at the end, I thought it was time to move on to one of the other subjects lying in the stack of paper on my desk; but how many know the best laid plans of mice and men have a tendency to go by the boards.

I know all of the folks who are receiving the blog on Gmail, but I do not have a clue about many who read the blog, except those who are signed in  I would like to know who you are so as to place you in my prayer journal by name rather than a group.  I tend to think that maybe some are younger-type folks who are raising families; and, having been in the child and family business for four plus decades, my ears tend to perk up when I run into something that you, with children or grandchildren, need to know.  
Such is the case this morning.  Once again I turn to the real pro in the field of protecting the religious rights of all, no matter what you believe and how you worship your god.  In his most recent communique with his prayer warriors Jay Sekulov, of ACLJ, told of two of their most recent victories.

He title the first One Nation Under Allah?  
He began by alerting his readers about a nationwide epidemic that has moved from creeper gear to passing gear and is sweeping across our nation: namely, Islamic indoctrination. This has penetrated text books and many public schools across America. 

Students in Tennessee were made to recite the Five Pillars of Islam – the Islamic conversion creed – while not allowed any learning about Christianity or Judaism.  At least one school, where Islam was covered for several weeks and the lesson on Christianity was skipped, students were required to write, “Allah is the only God and Mohammed is his prophet”. 

Jay wrote, it is our goal to put a stop to any unconstitutional Islamic indoctrination by public school districts.

The ACLJ sent “open records” request to every school district in Tennessee to uncover the truth about what students are learning.  School district attorneys tried to stall compliance, based on the “citizenship” of the ACLJ.  The State of Tennessee Office of Open Records Counsel addressed the matter and ordered that the requested documents be made accessible to our attorney.

This is a victory!  This decision underscores what we’ve known all along- our open records request are valid.  But this is far from over. 

Incredibly, Islam continues to be taught in schools while students are being denied the right to bring their Bibles to school and speak about Christianity.  Simply put, schools may not promote Islam while silencing Christianity.

The Second is titled ‘High School Student Prevails’ 
Religious liberty students come in all shapes and sizes;  at the ACLJ, we celebrate each and every one of them, as we should. 

A 10th grade student in Bowie, Maryland, turn in a form to satisfy her school’s community service requirement.  She had performed her community service hours at a local nursing home, helping with church services and picnics for the residents there. She was surprised when a school employee returned her form, informing her that the school would not accept these hours; they were classified as “missionary work” and not done for the benefit of the general community.

The student and her mother contacted the ACLJ.  We advised the school that civic services, even if performed through a church, are considered community service.  Students may not be discriminated against simply because the services were provided through a church.

We recommended the student describe in detail the kind of services she provided at the nursing home.  Reinforced by this advice, the student resubmitted her form to the school.  The school accepted the hours as fulfillment of the community service requirements.

Now listen up my friends, especially those of you who have young folks in school, know what they are teaching in your schools and be prepared to challenge them, if they are trying to brain wash your child into doctrines, belief’s  and other teaching that are contrary to your beliefs.  Do not allow one blade of grass to grow under your feet.



Put this in your planner; you, too, may need their help

Jay Sekulov,  American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ)
P.O. Box 90555

Washington, D.D.  20090-0555

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