Monday, June 5, 2017

"Come Fly WIth Me!" Signed Jesus

“Bless the Lord, O my soul!  O Lord my God, You are very great; You are clothed with splendor and majesty, Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain.  He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind” (Psalm 104:1-3).    Wow! Is that not awesome?

Hey Gang, did you ever wonder what heaven is going to be like?  I am sometimes accused, probably rightfully so, of asking questions that seem weird to most.  For instance, I was sitting at a stop light last week and a semi-truck went by- followed by an ambulance and then a motor cycle- ‘I wonder what the transportation system will look like in heaven?’ Was the question that popped into my head.

We are told in Revelation 21:16 that the New Jerusalem “…will be laid out square, and its length and its width and its height will be fifteen hundred miles”. Now, in the hillbilly vernacular, “That is a ‘fer piece”. This might lead one to believe you would need some sort of transportation to get around.

But, then again, I have read some  prophecy gurus who believe we will have glorified bodies and,, when we think of being someplace else, we immediately go to that place.  You know like Philip, who, after baptizing the eunuch, came up out of the water and was snatched away by the Spirit of the Lord.” (Acts 8:20-40).

In 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 Paul related the story of a man who was caught up to the third heaven, “…whether in the body or out of the body, he did not know, only God knew”.  He further related. “The man was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which a man is not permitted to speak”  
In doing a quick trip through the Bible we see that God used a variety of modes of transportation.  In Genesis, we have the ark- which I would suggest is probably not a vehicle that would be of much use in city such as the New Jerusalem.  Then, we have Elijah making his get away from earth in a flaming chariot.  There, again, I feel flaming chariots would not be practical in an urban setting.  With the driving habits of many today, I surely would not want to come face to face with a flaming chariot!

We do not find Jesus or the disciples using any people- moving modes of transportation except Shank’s Mare (for you city folks – feet); the exception was Jesus’ Triumphal Entry on the back of a donkey.   And, of course, we all remember the three magi arriving by camel at the place where they found Jesus at his inaugural appearance on earth. 

As I sat there thinking about that question, a wrecker went by- followed by a fire truck.  Then the thought surfaced in my dome-of-intellect that there would be no need for any of these vehicle in heaven!  There will be no need for medical facilities, prisons, electrical systems, or any of the other trappings that we find essential in our daily lives.  And the big issue- the blow your mind issue is- = we don’t have to go anywhere to sit at the feet of Christ, He is right there inside and around us.  We will be forever, yes, eternally, in His presence!.

So, gang, not sure I answered the question, but then again, one of the fabulous things that God put into our hearts is the joy of anticipation!  Each day, as my body sends messages that it is breaking down, I focus on the wondrous thought that one day, soon, I will break out of this earthly body and head for God’s paradise!  Make sure Your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life and your invitation to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, secure.



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