Monday, June 12, 2017

Just Plain Caring!

“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”  (Gal. 6:2).

Hey Gang: When you are going through a time of agony and pain, it is good to have a guardian angel with the gift of discernment near at hand.   

In the very early days of Eagle Village each day was a tremendous challenge with alligators continually nipping at my heels.  There was never enough money to meet the needs of the day, the staff consisted of young and very inexperienced - but dedicated people that had no clue how to talk a kid down from a tree because he was ticked off at what he was served for lunch.

Today, as I look back at those very difficult days, I have concluded that Satan knew that God had anointed this program to be something very super special and he,  Satan, did not like it one bit, so he set out to nip it in the bud by destroying the confidence and enthusiasm of its founder – “ME”.

My office at that time was a very run down small cabin that we used for everything from cooking to sleeping- simply because that was the only building available that had such necessities as water, power and heat.   My secretary, at that time, was a tremendously caring and compassionate person who could read me like a book.  He knew when the cares of the world were weighing on me.  Oh, by the way, that caring person was my seventy-plus year-old father-in-law.

One day when it seemed the roof was falling and the Peter principle was operating in full force, “If it can go wrong it will!”  After breaking up several fights and gluing staff back together, I retreated to my desk, in the corner of the all-purpose room, to pay some bills.  As per usual, the bottom line did not come out in the black. 

It was at the peak of my depression, when throwing in the towel was a serious consideration, that Father–in-Law came in, set a cup of coffee before me, ran his hand threw my hair and left as quietly as he had come in.  Now, I never looked at my father-in-law as being an angel, but I certainly believe he had all of God’s qualifications to be an angel at that moment.  It did not clear up the bottom line but there was no question in my mind that when Grampa quietly left the building he was on his way to his favorite tree where he would seek patience, wisdom and a barn full of stamina for me.

So, my friends, what I am saying?  I do not recall a day in my life when God does not allow a shot across my bough-but that He also has someone out there that needs ‘an angel’ to run their fingers through their hair and pray. You could be that 'angel', if you care and listen to God's leading.

Grampa Beery, as he became known by the kids, was always there when the rubber-hit-the road.  I firmly believe it was his prayers and the prayers of six grandmothers who were there when I needed them the most, that kept my sanity and on track to do what God commissioned me to do.  My prayer for you this morning is that you, too, have a praying Grampa or Grandma in your life.   If not, let me know and we, my bride and me, will add you to or growing list. 



P.S.  My dear sainted grandma once said to me, “Some are called to pray, and some are called for action.  That is the family of God ‘ 

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