Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Question? Can You Be?

“How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.  Nor stand in the path of sinner, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!  But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.” (Psalms 1:1-2).

Hey Gang:  Time to put your thinking hats on.  Time to lay your cellphone down and do some serious thinking.  The Question:  - Was David different? He certainly had some deep flaws in his behaviors.   Did God not say, “He was a man after God’s heart”?  Why did God say that?  Can you or I be a “person” after God’s own heart? Was that changed when Jesus said, “I must go so that I can send a comforter that will be with you always”?

Was he different from you or me?  I think not.  So, how did he become so special in God’s eyes?  As I was thinking about this question, the Scripture of today came to mind, especially the last part: “And in His law he meditates (meaning deep thinking) day and night.” 

Now, let’s lay some foundation for deep thinking or meditating.  As a boy he was a shepherd.  When you are out in the wilderness with a flock of sheep, there is not much that can distract you.  In other words, he had somewhat of an advantage over you and me.  No cell phones, television, automobiles, and a thousand distractions with new ones coming, by the hour. 

In Psalm 8:4 we find David asking the question, “What is man that You take thought of him”.  Would you agree that is a pretty deep subject?  It would be worthy of your time to read Psalm 8 every day until it penetrates deep into your soul.

The point:  One can tell from his Psalms that David was a deep meditator.   Now for another question to ponder, when was the last time you really, I mean really, meditated on God’s Word?  When was the last time you cried out, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The Moon, and the stars, which You have ordained.” 

In Psalm 57 we find David in a cave hiding from Saul, who was bent on killing him and in the midst of his trial he cried out to God “Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, For my soul takes refuge in You.  And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by” (vs, 1-2). 

Soooo, my young friends, let me close with another question?  Do you want to know God better? Then do as David did, put the sheep to bed and get alone with Him and His Word and look into the heavens and see the magnificent display of God’s glory and majesty in the thousands of stars.  Keep in mind He knows each one by name and I have wonderful news for you, He knows every hair on your head and He wants to have a chat with you, but, He wants your undivided attention.  Was David special, yes, I believe he was, but not any more special than you.


PS When you are meditating, be sure your mind is not empty, but focused on things of God!    

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