Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Importance - What Is????

“For the kingdom of God is not just eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). 

Hey Gang:  Is it not amazing what we sometimes choose to get our tail-feathers up-in-the-air over?  Returning from three wonderful weeks of sunshine and warmth in Florida some years ago, ,I wondered if someone were to ask me, ‘What was the high point of the three weeks?’ How I would respond.  Quickly the thought came: ‘The clicker to the television was greatly neglected’. 

We happened to choose, by accident, those weeks referred to as ‘Spring Break’.  In the Sun Belt that means the recreation industry will either make their year or come up wanting.  Finding a room is like the preferable ‘hen’s teeth’ challenge,’. If you did not have the foresight to make your reservations months in advance, be prepared to sleep in your car.  It is suggested that billions of dollars pass through the coffers and credit-cards of the Sun Belt, all seeking that moment of bliss.

So, what is important to you.  As a boy I attended a church that had a wonderful youth program, a thriving community out-reach and God was honored in worship and praise.  As I recall Pastor Byler and Pastor Martin had one focus, unity in the family of God under the power of God.  

And then one day it was decided the worship and praise could be moved up a step or two if they purchased an organ.   The church waited in anticipation for the completion of the installation and the wonderful music that would resonate from this new addition to the worship service.  There were no praise teams at that time.   

But there was a problem boiling beneath the surface that reared its ugly head even before the organ was installed – who would play the organ? It turned out to be a battle similar to the Martin’s and McCoys of folklore days. The church split right down the middle aisle.  Those for Alice on the right side and those for Betty on the left.

To make a long story very short – for over a year there was intense arguing and the church began to come unglued.  The pastor resigned and moved on, the youth leaders resigned and moved on, the church leadership resigned and move on and Betty and Alice also moved on and the average attendance dropped from more than two hundred to less than seventy.

So, keep in mind, it is very easy to get caught up in things that don’t really matte; things that over-shadow the important things like loving God and each other.  When asked what is the greatest commandment? Jesus gave the answer that solves such issues as “organs” Love the Lord with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.”   As one elderly gentleman suggested, “Let’s have a congregation wiener roast and burn the organ”.   That my young friends was pure wisdom. 


P.S. The tragedy of the story, the winner also chooe to get up and leave even before the first sound from the new beautiful organ.  That was more than seventy years ago and the scars remain locked into the hearts of the families of that war.  A suggestion that meeting at the cross, forgiving each other, and compromising, Betty plays this month and Alice next month.  But hearts were hardened and neither willing to deny self and humble themselves before the Lord.

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