Sunday, December 5, 2021

A Personal Note from Gramps


Monday, December 21, 2015

The older I get the more I am convinced we can make Christmas as stressful, or as peaceful and joyous as we desire. I do believe with the increased pace that we are living today, it has become more stressful for many. The holiday get-togethers, shopping for just the right gift, and the hanging of indoor and outdoor decorations all add to making the season more chaotic one.  I have to admit this year has been especially void of the true Christmas spirit, for me.   Me thinks I have let outside influences steal my joy and take my focus off the real meaning of why I celebrate Christmas. 

I have found I am not unique in the “older-than-dirt brigade”.  As we get older trying to come up with the perfect gifts for loved ones becomes more difficult.  This day and age when, if we want something we go out and by it, makes it tough on those of us who do not have a clue what the needs of loved ones are.    Let’s face it folks, there are enough distractions in our world to cloud our minds and keep us from focusing on the ‘Reason for the Season’! 

There are two major things, and a zillion smaller ones, that sadden my heart in this so- called age-of enlightenment.   One is the great multitudes of children who no longer will sit with their families on Christmas Eve listening to the patriarch of the house read the Christmas Story of how God loved the world so much He sent His only Son to come and free us from the bondage of sin.   As I sat on the edge of the beds of the multitudes of kids that have passed through my life, the “I want more than anything” theme always centered on “I wish only to be with my mom and dad in a peace and happy home”.

If you have had that in your life, you are truly blessed and should be abundantly thankful.

In recent years I have become a compulsive researcher. I spend many hours seeking that one pearl-of- great price that is hidden in the words of those who have had victory over the alligators to share with you, who avail yourselves to the Gramps Morning Messages.  I found the following pearl in a devotional that I read to my bride each night before we cash it in for the day. 

I believe it is the finest gift I can give to you this Christmas.  The writer began by saying, “I would like to share three passages that help focus our attention on the true reason we celebrate Christmas – Jesus come to earth!”  The first reason we celebrate Christmas is John 3:16; the words Jesus spoke to Nicodemus: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world and perfect fellowship between God and humankind was broken.  Jesus came to remove the barrier between God and humanity by dying on the cross and making salvation possible for those who turn from their sins, place their faith in God, and follow daily in obedience to His Word.   We celebrate Christmas because Jesus came into the world to make reconciliation between us and God possible.  Wow, can you say Hallelujah for that this morning?

The second passage that helps our focus is John 10:10 where Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”  Jesus came that we may discover the life that God intends for all who follow Him.  A life that experiences the virtues of the Spirit (Galatians 2:11-23; 2 Cor. 6:6-10; Eph. 4:2; 5:9’ Phil 4:8-9 and Col. 3:12-15).  Which comes through a relationship with Christ and a surrendering of our lives to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We celebrate Christmas because Jesus came so that we might receive all that God intends for our lives to be.

The third passage is John 14:1-4; “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

Jesus’ resurrection and His ascension to heaven gives us, as believers, the hope of eternal life with God.  We celebrate Christmas because Jesus came that those who place their faith in Him will live with God forever

We celebrate Jesus’ birth because it honors the Savior who came into the world.  Several thousand years ago, the angels proclaimed this great news to the shepherds.  This news brought with it the message of hope, peace, and salvation for the world.

We, as believers, have the opportunity of pointing others to the good news of Jesus’ coming and the difference it can make in their lives.  The world needs to understand that Christmas is more than programs, parties, and presents.  Our world must be guided to the truth that the true meaning of Christmas is found in the birth of Jesus and the difference His coming has made on the world.

So, my friends, my challenge to you his Christmas Season is to turn off all the electronic devices, gather your loved ones together and share the story once again that Jesus loved you so much He came to die on a hideous cross so that one day you can be with Him for all eternity in the that place He has prepared for His children.

Folks, last Christmas we celebrated Jesus’ coming with our family intact.  This Christmas there will be an empty chair at our table.    I tell you this only to challenge you to make sure you are sharing God’s love and His salvation with your family, friends and even your enemies, if you have opportunity for you have no guarantees you, too, won’t have an empty chair at your table.




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