Monday, May 13, 2013

Would You Listen to This Man?

"There came a man, sent from God, whose name was John.  He came as a witness, to testify about the Light, so that all might believe through him.  He was not the Light, but he came to testify about the Light" (John 1:6-8)
Hey Gang, What if you turned on your computer, your Ipod, your phone, or whatever electronic device you used to communicate with the world and the following ad appeared: "John, a very distinctive  prophet of God, will be conducting outdoor services and baptismal services at the local fair grounds for the next two weeks. John is known for his unusual flair for fashion, wearing wild-looking clothing made of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist".  Would you cancel that very special day you had planned and go and hear what this weird (by world standards) prophet of God had to say?
“It is said that he resides in the desert wilderness of Death Valley and lives on locust and wild honey.  It is also said that he preaches a rather strange message of a coming Messiah.”  Would you go and listen to this man?  If so why?  I mean a guy who eats bugs and wears animal skins?  Are you serious? 
As a student at Altoona High School, back in the early seventies, we had a kind-of John the Baptist in our school.  He was called by various names, most were not very honoring.  Perhaps the most common was "Weird". He was known as ‘Happy Harry the weirdo from the other side of the tracks.’  He made his presence known long before you would see him; you see he was a very strong whistler. 
 Harry, too, had a very strange wardrobe.  His normal attire was a combination of clothing that made the local fashion designers throw-up.  Polka-dot shirts and striped pants were not unusual.  This was before the days of Goodwill but, I suspect if it were today, Happy Harry would purchase his cloths at the local second-hand store.   Now don't get me wrong, in this day when fashions have become very weird, in my estimation, we older folks do tend to hit the Goodwills on a regular basis to find threads from yesterday that are more to our liking.
Weird Harry was evaded by the youth from Nob Hill like the Black Plague until one day when one of their weekly booze parties ended up with the drowning of one of the young participants.  You see, one of the things that set Weird Harry apart, from those who thought that were super "cool", was that his whistling.  His whistling consisted of "hymns" and to enter into conversation with Weird Harry was to hear twenty or more reasons why one should follow Paul's words and “put off those things that offend the Holy Spirit.” (Col. 3).
One day, as I arrived at school, something was a buzz.  A tragic event had occurred at one of the Nob Hill gangs weekly bashes.  One of the ‘bells of the ball’ had fallen into the swimming pool and was too inebriated to get out and she drowned.  Suddenly weird Harry became someone that each one envied in their hearts but did not have the courage to follow his example. 
Sooooo, my friends and neighbors, if you should encounter a John the Baptist- a weird sort of chap, by world standards but dedicated to God, you might want to stop and listen to what he is saying.  You see his message is simple and clear," Repent, Jesus is the way, the truth and life" and it is only through Him that we can come into the presence of the Father.

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