Monday, September 23, 2013

Like A Bolt of Lightning!

"Hear, O Peoples, all of you; Listen, O earth and all it contains, And let the Lord God be a witness against you.  The Lord from His holy temple.  For behold, the Lord is coming forth from His place.  He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth".  (Micah 1:2-3).

Hey Gang:  Is there anything that gets one’s attention more than to receive a  letter with the bold print "Notice" from the IRS?  Well, let me share one that is even more frightening, "to receive a letter with the bold print " Second Notice" from the IRS!"   It certainly got the attention of the receiver, "right now"!.  In a panic he went immediately to the IRS office to settle the matter.

 After several hours of deliberation, most of it one sided, he paid the bill.  As he was leaving the IRS Office, he mentioned to the agent  "I  do not remember receiving the first notice".  The IRS agent responded, “Oh, we ran out of first notices months ago and have learned that second notices are much more effective.” 

As we see the ominous dark clouds gathering over Jerusalem and Israel I wonder if God is not sending his Church a second notice.  The question that became essential in this day and age is "What does it take to motivate you? 

There is a neat little adage that brings clarity to this question.  A man was riding down the mountain trail on his donkey. God spoke to him and gave him instructions about what He would have him do.  Not sure the message was for him, the man continued on his way. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning came out of the sky and knocked him off the donkey.  Still not sure the message was for him, he said, “Lord, if you meant that for me give me another shot!”

Many folks live their Christian lives waiting for another shot!.  They tend to forget the times Jesus said, "Do not fear" do not allow anxiety to enter your walk.  We need to understand Satan's tool box includes "fear" as one of his major weapons.

In Micah 6:3 we read that God cried out, when Israel was riding on its donkey and doing their own thing, "What have I done to you and how have I wearied you?  Answer Me?  Is that not a good question for our country?   Israel was in rebellion, much like our country is in rebellion.  I wonder if the past election was a first or second shot by God to get our attention.  If the first, I wonder what the second one will be.

Do you think that God is crying out to those who call Him Lord, "Answer Me!   Indeed, I brought you up, I ransomed you, And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam.  I protected you, I sent My Son Jesus to be the sin bearer to set you free from the bondage of sin.  I gave you My road map so that you would know my plan for all time.  Why do you turn your back and choose to go your own way?" (Micah 6:3-4 Gramps version).

We long for peace but there is no peace because we reject the Peacemaker.  We are disturbed by the lack of leadership in those we choose to lead, but yet we reelect even those who have no leadership skills simply because they are the loudest.

Our national motto is "In God we trust" but in reality we have said,  "God, we will take it from here."  We need to learn that, if we want peace, we must come together under the unifier - Christ Jesus.  The key is the Holy Spirit in us.  Tragically, He stands at the door of every heart seeking entrance but is not welcome in growing numbers of folk’s hearts.

Soooo, warriors,   My prayer this morning is Micah 1:2-3 Hear, O Peoples, all of you; Listen, O earth and all it contains, And let the Lord God be a witness against you.  The Lord from His holy temple.  For behold, the Lord is coming forth from His place.  He will come down and tread on the high places of the earth"



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