Monday, July 20, 2015


You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years.  You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land. (Lev. 25:8-9)  Please read the entire chapter to get a clear picture of the Jubilee as designed by God.  

Hey Gang: Since I began my love affair with the Apple of God’s eye”, I have tried to learn as much as is rapidly, possible with my limited brain, about God’s chosen land and people.  I have diligently read all the material I can get my hands on about the Feast Days of the Lord; more recently about the Mystery of Shemitah through the writing and words of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. I made a promise to myself to seek God’s guidance and understanding of the true meaning of Jubilee.

And, praise God, I was led to a book by Evangelist Dan Goodwin that has been on my stack of “to read books” for more than a year titled God’s Final Jubilee. Seems I finally found a writer that explains things in a way my previously mentioned limited brain understands.  I love to read the red renditions of the Bible because Jesus was a wonderful teacher- for those of us who need word pictures drawn clearly to open the windows of understanding in our hearts and minds.  

As you know, I recently completed four Gramps Morning Messages on Shemitah,  but since doing so I have since felt that there is one more step that has to be added to complete the subject,  that being the Jubilee.  In reality, Jubilee is not a separate issue in this writer’s mind, but a continuation, and even a conclusion, to understanding the Shemitah Mystery.  But, being very subject to taking side trips, in my speaking and preparation for speaking and writing, I tend to take many rabbit trails and, this study has been no exception.

Now, before I forget and go down one of those rabbit trails, let me give you the setting for what I hope to cover in this and following morning messages.  As you know, from the previous Shemitah-focused messages, we are currently in a Shemitah Year that will end on September 13 of this year which is also Elul 29 on the Jewish/Biblical Calendar.    So, fact number one that you need to tuck away in your hard drives, is the Shemitah Year ends on Elul 29 and the Year of Jubilee begins on the next day which is Tishrei 1 and is also Rosh Hashanah, which begins their New Year of 5776, with the blowing of the Trumphets.

Time for a quick rabbit trip:  In the Scripture for today I mentioned it would be good to study the entire 25th chapter of Leviticus which sets the table of understanding for God is trying to get into our heads.  Example:  In the first seven verses of the chapter Moses explains the Sabbath of the land.  One can readily see that the focus seems to be on the seventh day or the Sabbath. 

In Genesis One, God created everything – (I wonder what He did in His spare time?) Those seven days represent seven thousand years of history.  The world will go for six thousand years and then rest for a thousand years, which we know as the Millennium in which God will dwell with man.  This has been His plan from the very beginning and, I believe with all my heart, we are rapidly approaching that day when He will say “enough” and implement the final chapter of His eternal plan for creation.

Sooooo, I am rapidly running out of space. Let me close this segment of Jubilee by introducing you to tomorrow’s segment, which I will title ‘An Introduction to the Seven Feasts of the Lord’.  When I read Dan’s descriptions of the Feasts, it was like what happened when I recently went through cataract surgery.  Not only could a see better but everything was brighter.  The flowers were beautiful, the sky was more blue, Wow, what a difference.  When I read these descriptions of the Feasts the blinders were removed and I gained a wider and deeper understanding of their meanings His word are so very clear I will not tamper with them but will do much quoting from his book.



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