Sunday, October 11, 2015

Just Rambling

Lord, I pray you will clear the clouds and send your sunshine down on this hurting world.  Did you ever feel like you wanted to be able to turn the world off, just for a little while? I mean just to go out In the middle of a meadow or under a big old oak tree, and listen to insects with their distinct language, or watch the birds zip by.  Did you ever wonder where they are going?  I think they know.
I sometimes think they are smarter than we humans for they do not get caught up in the mundane things, mundane in every way, and miss the wonderful things that God has created for our enjoyment. 

My bride and I went to a concert yesterday.  I never heard nineteen trombonist playing in perfect harmony before. I thanked Abba Father for placing this wonderful talent in the minds and hearts of the players.  Did you ever stop and praise the Lord for the gift of sound, and the gift of sight, and the gift of emotions? 

I recently read an elderly woman, who had been blind from birth, who had never seen a sunrise or sunset, never looked into the face of her husband and children, but this day would be different, God sent a blessing into her life in the form of a surgeon who opened eyes. 

The doctor had made it a practice to take the patient out on the patio of his office where the mountains stood majestically in the background, the sky beautifully blue, and the rose garden before her was splendidly arrayed in colors that only God could paint.  And the moment came. The blind folds were removed! And for the first time in her life she could see God’s creation.  Wow, how wonderfully awesome.  I wish I could have been there and seen the sparkle in her eyes.

As life’s struggles have increased and we see the earth being shaken as never before, I find myself spending more time in the Psalm’s.  I wish I would have spent more time in the Psalm’s as a child for I believe it would have made life much more beautiful in this wretched world.

When he wrote his Psalms, David was just a shepherd boy.  I learned in my travels in the Holy land that shepherd boys and girls were the bottom rung of the family totem pole.  I wonder if when God created sheep He had David in mind.  I have often prayed that the pastors of our Land would have the same love and dedication for their flocks as David had to his sheep. 

One does not think that a shepherd would have a barrel full of problems caring for sheep but I suspect maybe he did as he wrote: “Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me; O Lord, be my helper.” You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness.  That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent, O lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever” (Psa. 30:10-12).  But I am sure he cried out to the Lord with this praise in his voice after he had done battle with the lion or the bear and even his confrontation with Goliath.

I wonder if there were days when David remembered those quiet times with his sheep after he became king.  Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful” (John 14:27).

I close this epistle with Paul’s words of encouragement:  “… if we truly believe God’s promises and appropriate it for our daily living, we will know complete and abiding peace –“The peace that surpasses all understanding” (Phil 4:7).



Blessings,   gramps

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