Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dry Spells

Hey GangThere are special passages of Scripture that have been, and continue to be, meaningful to me at certain times in my life.  The God’s Hall of Fame passage found in Hebrews eleven is one such passage, especially to those times that I would place in the “’Dry Spell’ times of my life.   

Why?  Because, although they were very special people in God’s eyes, yet they were just normal people just like you and me who had problems and ‘Dry Spells’ in their lives.  I liked them because God liked them - just like He likes you and me.

And He was for them! Just like He is for us. And His great desire was to use them- just like He wants to use us.  We are living in a time when all that can be shaken is being shaken.  There is no question this is a very special time in the fulfillment of God’s prophetic word.

As I read of their peaks, I also find that in most cases those highs were followed by lows or ‘Dry Spells’.   I can identify with that and even take encouragement from their stories.  There were many times when I felt that God had totally abandoned me, when my prayers seemed like bricks falling off a table – and times when I wondered if God was out to lunch or on vacation.  Have you ever felt that way? 

But along the way, I began to get the message that I was not unique at all, that every follower of Jesus- at some time or another- had alligators up to their armpits or found themselves with their back against the wall.  As a matter of fact, I have found it is almost universally so- that with every peak there is going to a time in the valley.  The Amish would say, “Where there is no rain, there is no crop”.

The band and orchestra concerts were wonderful, but when over there was a void, a let-down because the intensity of preparation was over and nothing to fill void.  The same was true for the Christmas Cantatas.  On the final night, there was a sadness in my heart because I would not have the continued fellowship with those I had grown very close to during the tedious hours of practice. 

As I look at our country today, the home of the free and brave, I feel that same void, for our nation has chosen the same path as all other civilizations who, when they fell from the peak of their greatness, choose to leave the very things that made them great.  I wonder if darkness was as prevalent in the days of Noah as it is today. 

The Word does tell us that we need to get our lives in order when the world begins to look like the world of Noah’s day.   I certainly believe we are in that time and as Jesus said, “When all of these things happen, (notice the all), get excited, look up for your redemption is oh so very close”.  (Luke 21:28 Hillbilly rendition).  There is an antidot to the blahs.  Tune in tomorrow and walk with me and some of those very special people who God gave us as examples of folks who knew a great deal about peaks and valleys.



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