Friday, March 28, 2014

Awesomeness of Our God

"O Lord God, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who has displayed Your splendor above the heavens?"  (Ps 8:1)
Hey Gang:     Do you think David was pumped when he wrote these words?  Do you think you could write these words if you had not already experienced the majesty of God?   Have you ever had an experience that literally left you speechless?    Like standing at the foot of the Grant Teton Mountain, or experience the birth of a child for the first time.  How about the absolute awesomeness of a rainbow?

In recent months there has been a growing interest in 'blood moons' (special lunar eclipse) as they pertain to prophecy.  It was interesting to me that the writer/researcher went to the NASA archives to find the data for his article.

You do remember that NASA did research back to the beginning of time to learn the perfectness of God's times tables? In their research they found a glitch in their equation - a glitch that one of the researchers solved when he told the story of Joshua 10:13. Here God made the sun and the moon stand still as a sign to Joshua.

In Psalm 103, the Psalmist glorifies God from a heart that is bursting at the seams with praise.  He says, "Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within me?" (Vs 1).  Have you ever felt that way?  In verse eleven we find a comparison, where God declares that the mercy of God is as great as the distance of the heavens above the earth.  Man's scope of the universe is limited by the technology available to penetrate the depths of the universe.  New galaxies are being discovered with each advance of the telescope. (Hubble telescope found 100 new galaxies).

Scientist have measured the distance from the earth to many bodies in the heavens.  The distance to the moon is about 240 thousand miles.  Can you imagine how the astronauts, whose mission was to walk on the moon, must have felt when they knew blast off meant a trip of more than a half million miles and no repair shops in route?  

The sun is about 93 million miles from the earth; but, keep in mind the sun, moon and planets are all in our solar system and there are vast systems beyond.  The closest star beyond the sun is Proxima Cenauri, which lies 4.22 light-years away (24.7 trillion miles).  How far is a light-year?  The distance light travels - 186,000 feet per second!  Are you beginning to get a picture of how great the mercy of God is?       

In 1977, scientists launched two space probes called Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.  Voyager 1 travels at 37,100 miles per hour and is now over 9 billion miles away from the earth.  Now get this, if we were on board Voyager 1, it would take 75,000 years for us to get to Proxima Centauri.  Is your comprehension levels being stretched as to the vastly of God's love for His children?

In verse 17 David says, "But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him".     And put this on your bathroom mirror this morning  -"As far and the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Ps 103: 12).

Soooo, my young inquisitive seekers of truth, be advised that we live in an awesome universe created by God, but what awaits His children in the heavenlies makes all this pale in comparison!  All of this is available "To those who keep His covenant and remember His precepts to do them" (Ps 103:18).  Wow, what an awesome God we serve.



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