Wednesday, March 12, 2014

WHen Faith Falters

“But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You.  For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord, You surround him with favor as with a shield.”(Ps. 5:11-12). 

Hey Gang:  I love to read about the salty, tough hombres of the Old Testament that God used in mighty ways.  None of them would have made the fortune 500 ‘man of the year’ according to worldly standards but they had the power of God to move mountains.  Elijah, one of my favorites of the God’s Prophet Hall of Fame, was one tough hombre.

A study was made recently of what is the toughest sport to compete in.  The marathon won hands down.  It was agreed that running 26 miles placed the greatest strain on the total body.  But notice after Elijah slew the 450 prophets of Baal, “the hand of the Lord was on Elijah, and he girded up his loins and outran Ahab to Jezreel” a distance of more than 70 miles!  Keep in mind that Ahab was driving a chariot with one of the finer horse teams of his kingdom doing the lugging.

As a lad, wet behind the ears, I loved to run.  I believe I would have been a very good cross country runner.  I certainly had the credentials to be a good runner, I was skinny as a rail and very hyper; but we were too far from the training grounds and did not have the finances to support lugging a kid around to participate in the twenty plus meets.

Take note that Elijah had a very powerful resume: By God’s power he stopped the rain in all of Israel for their disobedience, he provided oil and flour for the widow Zarephath and her son, he confronted the prophets of Baal and seen God’s mighty fires from the heavenlies that totally consumed the sacrifice, altar and many gallons of water, and then outran King Ahab’s chariot for more than seventy miles.    Would that not give you faith to move mountains?

But, Ahab shared the events of the day with Jezebel who sent a message to Elijah: “So may the god’s do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow."  (! Kings 19:1). 

Did Elijah boldly stand against her threats knowing God would protect him?  Not so! he cut and ran a day’s journey into the wilderness and sat down under a juniper tree and asked God to take his life!

Now, before you begin to rag on Elijah, keep in mind it is not wise to throw stones in glass houses.  Do we not do the same?   We make choices each and every day as to whether we will stand on the Rock- against the darts of the enemy or seek out a Juniper tree and try and hide.  What say ye?

The apostle James wrote that Elijah was a man 'subject to like passions as we are" (James 5:17).  Really, Lord!  But Lord, Elijah had an angel controlling his travel plans, a day planner and a food program provided by ravens! I wonder if Elijah was waiting for another fire from heaven answer to his problem? 

We love to read the wondrous stories of God's intervention like the parting of the Sea and the destruction of the prophets of Baal, but how many know that is not the normal modus operandi for our God in the control room. 

Soooo, fellow warriors let me close this for today and pick it up in the next morning message.  Keep in mind that the people used by God in the Bible in a mighty way were mere human beings that put their pants on one leg at a time.  We do not have to be a Peter or Paul to make an impact for the Lord, but we do need to be obedient and respond to His call.  



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